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Jeremy you have the worst luck with your e-mail man!

I await your return to e-mail, as I believe a large woman has entered the map and is preparing to sing her song. biggrin.gif

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Believe me, I would love nothing more than to beat the snot out of you on the battlefield, but, the Internet says no, you are lucky, your evil Gods of the net have postponed your agony for another day. We all know your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of aldeberries. biggrin.gif


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Have you thought about downloading and running some free internet software? Like Juno ect... Yes you get ads, and yes it slows down your access with them running. But it is nice to have a back up ready to go.

Thats why I use a Yahoo e-mail account. So know matter how I sign on I can still getmy e-mail without having to have everyone change.

Just a thought.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

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THIS IS TOTAL HORSE****! I was just about to descend off my mountain-top and lovingly slap down your quivering shellshocked troops. And now you go hiding behind your technical difficu....

hey, just realized we don't have a game going. Sorry Major.

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Guest Offwhite

Jeez my guys are frozen in mid-rush almost on top of your foxholes and now I have to wait for some fly-by-night ISP to get their act together??? Oh well, just leave that tank hidden behind the ridge and I won't complain too much. wink.gif

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