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What are the Germans saying


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Ok, I hae to ask what are the Germans saying in the background sounds so far I've figured

out several

hilfe = help

sicher = sure (as in I am sure)

da ein Panzer = there! a tank

feuer = Fire

einstellung? = cease fire

los = go (essentially)

then there are another few and I don't know

what they are

can anybody fill in the rest?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coe:

can anybody fill in the rest?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another is

"Ach! Mein Bein!" Ow! my leg!

and there's my favorite:

Done in a heavy handed German accent:

"Let's get out of here!"

from troops who promptly vamoose.

(Note: I have some of the mods, and don't recall precisely which ones).

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One note - sicher can also mean safe or secure. I'm not sure what the intended meaning in this case is.

And an addition - I believe I've heard them say "schnell, schnell!" (quickly, quickly) The sound coming out of my laptop's speakers ain't so hot, though, so I could easily be wrong.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coe:

can anybody fill in the rest?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There's a nice translation into French of all German and Polish sentences included in CM:


I guess a German or French member could translate them from French/German into English. My French and English aren't good enough to try it myself

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Guest dirkd1976

Hey Chupacabra,

Just a quick question, what is your signature from? The "Soy super bien" one, I dont get it!!


Never mistake motion for action - Ernest Hemingway

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dirkd1976:

Hey Chupacabra,

Just a quick question, what is your signature from? The "Soy super bien" one, I dont get it!!


Both the handle and the signature are from a song by a band called the Super Furry Animals smile.gif

Well, I'd heard the legend before I heard the song, but anyway...


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 09-08-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Both the handle and the signature are from a song by a band called the Super Furry Animals smile.gif

Well, I'd heard the legend before I heard the song, but anyway...


An American or English band, I guess. "Soy super bien" isn't correct. The correct sentence is "Estoy super bien". It's a very common mistake among non-Spanish speaking people.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fernando:

An American or English band, I guess. "Soy super bien" isn't correct. The correct sentence is "Estoy super bien". It's a very common mistake among non-Spanish speaking people.


Welsh, actually wink.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Here's a complete list:

2000 - Los, los, los! - Go go go!

2001 - Auf zum Sprung, los! - Go, move quickly!

2002 - Los, Bewegung, Männer! - Go, get in gear!

2003 - Auf geht's! - Move on!

2004 - Auf zum Sprung, marsch! - Go move quickly!

2005 - Vorwärts, marsch! - Move forward!

2006 - Auf geht's, los! - OK, lets go!

2007 - Marsch, marsch, marsch! - Move move move!

2010 - Die schlachten uns ab! - They kill us!

2011 - Wir werden alle sterben! - We will die all!

2012 - Nichts wie raus hier! - Let's get out of here!

2013 - Volle Deckung!- Full cover!

2014 - Deckung! - Take cover!

2015 - Hilfe! - Help me!

2016 - Hilfe, rettet euch! - Help, get away!

2017 - Hilfe, nichts wie weg hier! Help, lets get away from here!

2020 - Nicht feuern! Don't shoot!

2021 - Feuer einstellen! - Cease fire!

2022 - Spart Munition! Save your ammunition!

2023 - Feuer einstellen! - Cease fire!

2024 - Spart Munition, Männer! - Save your ammo, men!!

2025 - Feuern auf Befehl! - Fire on my order!

2030 - Ich bin verwundet! - I'm hit!

2031 - Hilfe, ich bin verwundet! Help, I'm wounded!

2032 - Sanitäter, Sanitäter! - Medic, Medic!

2033 - Mein Bein, mein Bein! - Help me, my leg!

2034 - Hilfe, hilfe! Help, help!

2035 - Bin getroffen! - I'm hit!

2036 - Die haben mich erwischt! - They've hit me!

2037 - Bin verwundet! I'm wounded!

2040 - Kamerad, Kamerad! - Comrade, comrade!

2041 - Nicht schießen, wir ergeben uns! Don't shoot, we surrender!!

2042 - Wir geben auf! We surrende!

2043 - Nicht schießen! - Don's shoot!

2050 - Ergebt euch! - Surrender!

2051 - Waffen fallenlassen, Hände hoch! - Drop your weapons, hands up !

2052 - Hände hoch! - Hands up!

2060 - Habt ihr noch Muni? - Do you have some ammo left ?

2061 - Meine Waffe ist leer! - My weapon is empty!

2062 - Ich brauche Munition! - I need ammo!

2070 - Nahkampf! - Close combat!

2071 - Im Nahkampf ausschalten! - Kill them in Close combat!

2080 - Jaaa! - Yessss!

2081 - Ja! - Yes!

2082 - Ja, Volltreffer! - Yeah, full hit!

2083 - Den haben wir erwischt! - We've got him!

2090 - Achtung, Minen! - Danger, mines!

2091 - Tretminen! - Mines!

2100 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2101 - Granatbeschuß! - Mortar fire!

2102 - Granatfeuer, in Deckung! - Mortar fire, take cover!

2103 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2110 - Feindliche Jäger! - Enemy fighters!

2111 - Achtung, Flugzeuge! - Enemy airplanes!

2120 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2121 - Nach den Seiten sichern! - Secure the flanks!

2122 - Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier! - Yes, sarge!

2123 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2130 - Panzer! - Tanks!

2131 - Da, feindliche Panzer! - Enemy tanks over there!

2140 - Fürs Vaterland! - For the pride of our country!

2141 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Stand up and fight!

2142 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Stand up and fight!

Hope that helps...


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here are translations to german phrases not mentionde so far:

Auf dem Sprung - on the double

Los, bewegung Maenner - ready- move your selves men (or move your arses!)

Auf gehts - lets go

Vorwaerts, marsch - forward, march

(this is my favorite):

Die schlachten uns ab - they are slaughtering us

Wir werden alle sterben - we're all gonna die

Nichts wie raus hier - lets get out of here

Volle Deckung - (take)full cover

Hilfe, retted euch - help, save yourselves

Nicht feuern - don't shoot

Feuer einstellen - stop shooting

Spart Munition - save ammo

Feuern auf Befehl - shoot on order (only)

Ich bin verwunded - i'm wounded

Ich bin getroffen - i'm hit

Die haben mich erwischt - they got me

Nicht schiessen, wir ergeben uns - don't shoot, we surrender

Wir geben auf - we give up

Ergebt euch - surrender!

Waffen fallen lassen, haende hoch - drop (your) weapons, hands up

Habt ihr noch muni - anyone still got ammo

Meine Waffe ist leer - my weapon is empty

Ich brauche Munition - i need ammo

Nahkampf - close combat (CC2?)

Im Nahkampf ausschalten - destroy in close combat

Ja, volltreffer - yes, bullseye

Den haben wir erwischt - got him

Achtung, Mienen - caution, mines

Tretminen - anti-personell mines (literally it means "step-on-mines")

Granatbeschuss - mortarfire

Feindliche Jaeger - enemy fighters

Achtung, Flugzeuge - caution, airplanes

Ausschwaermen - disperse (mind you, they say that even when they are dug in!)

Nach den Seiten sichern - secure the flanks

Jawohl Herr Unteroffizier - yes sgt.

Fuers Vaterland - for the fatherland

Steht auf und kaempft - stand up and fight

That's pretty much it. The .wav files are no. 2000 onwards.


'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

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Don't believe what anyone tells you, the Germans are actually discussing the merits of hamsters versus gerbils.

"Ja Franz, ze gerbils are fearsome combatants..."

"Look out, Willi! Amis behind you!"

::BLAM:: ::click-clack:: ::BLAM::

"Ja, und as I vas saying, ze hamstertruppen are no match for ze gerbiljägers..."


Major General Maxwell Taylor found himself with several officers but only two or three enlisted men. "Never," he told them, "have so few been commanded by so many."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

Don't forget "Soy super bueno" which is even better. "I am very well" vs. "I am very good." Ending a sentence in an adverb ain't so hot either, if we're going to nitpick.

"Shouldn't you be in like Spanish 10?" - My friend in my Spanish II class<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Check6. You're right indeed. Your "Soy super bueno" sounds much better than my "Estoy super bien". Something was wrong in that sentence and I thought it was the verb. You use the same verb, "to be", for our "estar" and "ser", as you alredy know, and it seems it's a bit difficult for English speaking people to properly use them.

BTW You can tell your friends in your Spanish II class that you corrected a Spaniard smile.gif

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