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Thanks to Steve, Bill, Joe, and ALL!

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Pre-order CM arrived today!!!!

I wanted to thank...

Steve, for jumping in personally and taking care of my pre-order. Steve, thanks! It arrived before the holiday weekend as you promised it would! I am recommending you for Sainthood.

Bill Wood, who exchanged e-mail with me this week to guarentee I would have a copy of CM by this weekend. Lived an hour and a half away near Greensboro NC and gave me the peace of mind that I would definately be playing this weekend. Thanks Bill! You are a gentleman and a new friend.

To Joe Shaw, sniperscope, Supertanker, and ALL the rest of you on this board. I've been a real pain sometimes (remember my initial "BTS deserves all the Blame" thread?), but I attempted to switch to humor instead of anger, for there really was nothing I could do about it. All of you have been great about putting up with me and giving me a smile. This really is a great community here and I wanted everyone to know that I'm thankful.

To my weeping wall compatriots, both old and new. I regret that I have to leave such fine company, but my knees hurt! On to CM and finally, I can now say, "It is worth the wait". Man, that saying got on my nerves. Of course we know its worth the wait, that was why we were crying so loud!!!

Now to four days of 4th of July holiday of CM, since that is all the fire works I'm going to need.

Thanks folks,


Garry Kump

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kump being the patron saint of the wailing wall, I thought I should use his thread to announce that my long nightmare has ended as well. After detours to Phoenix, AZ and Santa Rosa, CA, my CM finally made it to me in Los Angeles, CA (actually South Pasadena). My wife is out of town and usually has the only mailbox key, but thankfully I remembered to get it from her before she left. Otherwise, the poor thing would have sat there until Monday! No, I would have had to buy a new mailbox lock because I would have drilled out the one between me and CM.

I have spent the afternoon playing a couple of Quick Battles, and CM is truly glorious. It responds with equal aplomb when you play by the book or do something silly. It is everything I have longed for since reading the Alpha AAR back in the day.

I wish speedy delivery to all who remain unfulfilled. The prolonged waiting is awful, there is no two ways about that, and you gain no character or benefit from it. If you are like me, you simply regress to eight years old, stamping your little feet and crying about the injustice of the world.

So long, wailing wall, I won't miss you one damn bit. As kump notes, the friends I made there are a different thing.

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