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CM2 and MODS

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Combining two wishlists into one.... It is frustrating to have all those beautiful Mods available, but only be able to use one of them. It is also just a shade disconcerting to see all of your Shermans (or whatever you are using) look exactly the same. Is it possible (worthwhile?) in CM2 to allow many Mods for vehicles etc to be present and for the computer to randomly assign them to each vehicle. That way four Shermans could each use a different Mod: eventuallY I am sure some of the Mod-makers would start giving us individualized vehicles

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While it sounds like a great idea....there could be a catch. Memory. So, I kick this up for Krazydog to answer..how much memory does each tank use up? I know some of the stuff was shared so memory usage wasn't as high. [My video card has 32 megs of memory, so it would be less of an issue to me then to someone with only 8 meg].


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