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CM joins my classic games of all time list(slightly OT)

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No particular order and I'm probably forgetting a lot of great games.

- Elite. I don't think I ever did anything but wander around and trade in that game. I'm not sure if that universe ever ended. Excellent graphics for it's day too.

- X-COM:UFO Defense. I love this game. I still have it and it's still great. The second one was disappointing. The third one was bad. Really bad.

- Civ I, Civ II, Alpha Centauri. Come to think of it, virtually anything with the words Sid Meier on it is probably on this list. Alpha Centauri takes a little more time to warm up to than the Civ's because of the new tech tree. After all, when you research wheel in Civ II it makes sense that you get Chariots. But when you research Super Tensile Solids in Alpha Centauri... Anyway, IMHO Alpha Centauri is the greatest game of it's type ever made.

- Akalbeth! I got a copy of the Ultima Collection from a friend. This and Ultima 1 are the only two games on the disk I still play. Can't beleive no one remembered Akalbeth...

- Ultima Online. In the Ultima vein... For sheer adictivness I'ver gotta go with UO. I've played all the MMORPGs out there, I was in most of their Betas' too. Nothing beat UO. Well, up until about a year ago. Now UO is the worst peice of crap on the planet.

- Free Space 2. Great game. Great plot. Looks pretty as all hell.

- Half-Life. Even if there was only the one player game this would be one of the greatest games of all time. I was completely absorbed by this game for the entire time it took me to beat it. I don't think I've ever had so much respect for computer oponents as I had for the marines in this. Instead of just instantly killing you by shooting you in the head with a rail gun (*cough* QIII *cough*) they actually used teamwork. And rifle grenades. Lots of rifle grenades. Loved the organic plot too. I think there was what, one cut scene in the entire game? Loved that game. Then the mods and online play... It's the CM of FPSs.

- Wolfenstein, Doom I & II. Who can forget where it all started? Sure the genre has kind of degenerated lately (anyone remember Kingpin? Everyone associated with that peice of trash deserves censure) but there are some real classics out there too. Save Half-Life though, none are as immersive.

- Space Inavders. I played this on the first IBM I ever had. 5" disks and no hard drive. Ahh, those were the days.

- Pirates! Gold. I missed this the first time it came out on computer, but found it on Sega. I can't find the game for sale anywhere. I did find an old abandonware version on the net, but I had some comp troubles a while back and lost it. The site no longer exists so I'm without it... No matter though. This is another one of those games that was so good the plot was unessecary. If anyone knows where I can pick up a copy I'd appreciate it greatly.

- Pong. I don't think any explanation is needed here.

- Tank Wars & Worms Armageddon. Put those HS physics classes to work nuking your friends.

- Tetris. Unfortunately even with Moslow this still runs too fast. If anyone has a newer version, please tell me where I can pick it up. Love this game. The original had that great feature where the pause screen looked like the DOS prompt so it looked like you were working.

- Warcraft I & II, Starcraft. Who else here can remember trying to get your foot soldiers to march in formation? Regardless of twitch game status and questionable unit AI these were still great games when they came out.

- Populous. The first one. Playing god at it's best.

That's a pretty good sized list. I don't even want to think of the list of bad games I've played. Oh, I almost forgot.

- Combat Mission. Nuff' said.

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ok my 2 cents

the game that started it all for me way back when on a mainframe on a collage terminal then I played it on my first home computer a commodore 64


then all the games that followed not in any order and I know I am missing a lot

back then any SSI game on warfare and I had them all



computer ambush


steel panthers!!!!!!! all 4


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Nice to see that there are so many old-timers here who have played Elite smile.gif

I found Elite in a playable, java format on the net. So blow the dust of your space suit, buy that fuel scoop, and heat up the pulse lasers, Commander Jameson!


The Adder



"The Germans are such a cruel and inhuman race; they have no word for fluffy"

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quote:- Pirates! Gold. I missed this the first time it came out on computer, but found it on Sega. I can't find the game for sale anywhere. I did find an old abandonware version on the net, but I had some comp troubles a while back and lost it. The site no longer exists so I'm without it... No matter though. This is another one of those games that was so good the plot was unessecary. If anyone knows where I can pick up a copy I'd appreciate it greatly.

You can pick this up at Classic-Trash.com.They have it in the normal,gold and windows version.

There are also emulation sites where you can get programs that emulate C-64,Apple(IIe,c,gs),Atari and other old systems.You can also get the games or if you still have your old sytems,learn how to transfer your games to your computer to run on an emulator.

WARNING: Playing a game of Kampfgruppe and then one of CMBO can cause a severe case of whiplash.


I love the smell of bacon in the morning...it's the smell of breakfast.

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