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To MOD, or not to MOD??? that is the question

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Can anyone honestly say that it is a much better game with the updates e.g v1.03 added on...

I have heard alot of complaints that this and that are not included...

Should I get the texture and sound packs and all that or play the game as it comes...

WHEN it comes... 1 week and counting...



If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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sure why wouldn't you. Try out some stuff. If you don't like you can either revert back to an older mod (the patches replace the .exe file so just move the older one to a safe place and bring it back if you want later) and the only graphics you cannot re insert are the originals (unless you can pull them from the CD I have never tried). If the combos get real screwed then just live with it till you finished your game and re install. You can always move the PBEM files and even the saved games if needed and re insert them into their folders. I keep all the downloadable zips in a seperate folder. Right now it is about 30.0 mb which just replaced the space the demo took up. That way I can do as I please. So do mod because all it really does is help you customize your experience.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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An yes ya can take the files straight off the CD. This is how I had to install my game in the first place as there was a problem with normal install routine. Jus copy the folders (BMP and/or WAV) from CD to the HD folders an all graphics/sounds will be back to original. Of course you should reinstall the 1.03 patch also as some of these files were changed too.


Thanks for Athskin!


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I have similar concerns too, even though I have MDMP-1 for both sound and graphics. I am not sure they work with other 3rd party mods. Please advise.

Griffin @ work


"+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

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All the mods are great! MDMP's work with everything. Tried the customized grass tiles, but didn't find them my cup of tea, so went back to MDMP textures. When I get to my ISP's office I'm going to grab the grid files as well. Winter camo mods are fantastic. (took some screenshots to the foundry to show some coworkers... I think BTS made some sales that night based on the pics alone!)

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Guest Madmatt

Of all the Mods available NONE of them overwrite the BASIC MDMP-1 install. Now that gets a little complicated once you start adding in grass textures.

There are two MDMP grass textures available (low and Hi-res)

There are 2 Richard Tremblett Grass sets available (Bumpy and Plush)

There are MULTIPLE grids available.

These are all pretty much exclusive. You cant combine the grass sets. The small problem is that some of the grass sets also include associated textures which are the treebases, brush, rough etc...Again those usually come with the grass set and are designed to cloisely match the color of the grass. So the Plush treebases wont look quite right with the MDMP grass for instance.

Later this week (hopefully tonight) I will be starting a Madmatt's MOD Mania page which will give a good overview of the best way to install all these mod sets and in what order.

To date there is VERY LITTLE crossover textures. Each set seems to focus on one area but thats sure to change and its going to get complicated quickly. Thats the reason for the MMM page. It will hopefully serve as a decent roadmap to better enable you to pick the MOD that is right for you.

Expect more on this soon!



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The nice thing about this game is how flexible it is as far as creating mods for it. Most of the mods are just eyecandy right now (different textures, user made unit portraits, etc...) and don't really change the way the game plays, just the look. I've tried a lot of them, some I've kept and some I've gotten rid of. As far as the 1.03 patch, I definately recommend that because it seems to have made the computer AI a tougher opponent to me. I would definitely recommend MadMatt's sound pack. It seems much more intense that the stock sound that comes on the CD.

[This message has been edited by mscano (edited 08-01-2000).]

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