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1.01 'patch' for 'Grog' style interface, site redone

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For those of you using my 'Grog' style interface, I have posted a small patch which addresses some visibility problems some people reported concerning certain icons. The details are on my website :


I've also redone the site and broken it up over several pages, so it's more surfer friendly. Sidebar, the whole works. Swing on by and check it out!


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agghhh....every link on your left menu opens a new window instead of in the frame =(

kinda annoying...

in case u wondering i got IE 5.5


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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In the words of Microsoft, that's a feature, not a bug. smile.gif Actually, I woulda had to do a massive reformat to the chunks of pages to make them look good in 640x480 in the main text area, so I decided to leave them that way. Yeah, it was easier.


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I have the same problem in Netscape 4.75 on the Macintosh. It's annoying.

I'm also wondering which style of interface everyone likes and why. I'm using the Health Bar version and I just installed the Grog version but haven't tried it yet.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


My website!

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Hi gang,

Well, thanks a lot for your kind words. The funny thing is, in real life I'm a lazy bastard. I never do anything. So don't get the wrong idea, I'm not really a go get 'em kinda guy, I just like messing around with the interface, and I'm learning Photoshop at the same time. It's actually fun so I don't really have the impression of slaving away, the time just seems to go by. The fun part is seeing your work show up in the game. When it starts looking good it's very satisfying, and the fact that other people can get some use out of it is the icing on the cake.

Ive noticed that some other folks are starting to tweak the interface too. I think that's great as I certainly don't have a monopoly on good ideas for improving the interface.

I have another small patch coming out later today for the Grog style interface that will redo the Battle screen in the same style as the Unit screen. Now the whole game interface will have a unified feel to it. I got a turn coming in on ICQ, gotta go...


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Thanks BottleRocket. I like it when somebody thinks my interface helps them play the game better. This was 1 of the 2 main goals I had. The other was to 'dress up' the interface a bit.

I don't know how this post got in front of the other one, but the Battle Screen upgrade mentioned above is finished and ready for download. Just click on the link to my site at the top of this page. Later all!


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