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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. Oops! Carriers at War is much earlier than the 90's.
  2. Grigsby's Pacific War- plowed through it twice! Steel Panthers WAW War in Russia -remember it well Carriers at War I&II-Keating was great on AI Battleground 2-3-5-6 Sid Meiers Gettysburg & Antietam Talonsoft East Front CM is BEST tactical wargame yet.
  3. Gosh,what an honor! I taught school for 35 years and so I must be a great expert on education! Gentlemen,it is ONLY A GAME!!
  4. Having read the book in question as well as others by Ambrose,I would say his writing is nationalistic as is much writing about WWII. to call him racist is at best a misreading of his work and at worst just down right wrong!
  5. 20-30 turns seems to work best for my style of play.I rush anyway!!
  6. I do not post very often but on this issue I do have some thoughts(maybe not good ones).As someone relatively new to CM but not to wargaming as a hobby I have already stated my opinion of CM as the best game in my experience.However I agree with those who's opinion of this forum is that often some posters use ridicule as a tool of debate.Also I have seen some posts that do posit the argument on the basis of who read the most books.I have also seen an attitude that seems to hold that only veterans(of which I am one(Korea)) know what the REAL story is (in fact one thread held that unless you LED men in combat you really didn't understand.For these reasons I seldom post opinions on this forum.Still love the game though!
  7. I'm certainly no expert but I tend to agree with PZkpfw1 for two reasons. 1.His post clearly stated that he was talking about US forces and he gives at least one source for discussion and 2.I do agree that CM (the best I've seen inover 30 years in this hobby like many other wargames does tend to overrate German capabilities.
  8. great job Dean.I've used all your stuff and it does spruce up the screen.
  9. I'm against a reset button.I'm not fanatical on realism but commanders make mistakes-so be it - I'll bet Napoleon would like to have changed a few at waterloo!
  10. Its the old question- how much control do we want over the troops.IMO that little bit of frustration or doubt as to why the troops dont exactly follow orders spices up CM quite a bit.
  11. Wow!!! No wonder I'm getting killed on top of all those hills! Dumbkopf
  12. First message though Ive been reading you guys for weeks.Your new site looks great-lots of promise.I'll keep checking it out. Good luck!
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