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When will we get billed?

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Guest Pham

Yes, it will be billed when the game ships(BTS has stated this before).

No, it's not illegal to bill a credit card if no merchandise ships. It's illegal to fraudulently bill a card(which would be the case if they took payment and never finished the game, or if they just decided to bill you extra for the hell of it because they wanted a new weasel), but if you the cardholder agree to be billed, they can bill you well ahead of time as long as the merchandise ships at some point.

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Guest Big Time Software

Doug, it isn't illegal so far as I know. However, there is cause for fraud claims if the goods don't show up after a reasonable time (measured in weeks not days). It would also be illegal (I think) to charge a card, not ship the goods in a reasonable time, and then not allow the order to be canceled prior to shipment.

As for the original question, we normally do not charge credit cards until we go to ship. We are, however, doing things a bit differently for CM's preorders due to the large number sitting in our system. Our ordering system was not designed to run that many credit cards through in one go so it is going to take several days to process all the orders. That means either we start before we are shipping or we cause orders to be held up simply because we can't charge them fast enough smile.gif

Our plan is to start running them through at the end of this week and into the beginning of next. Any orders that are rejected (expired credit card or otherwise) can hopefully be fixed by the customer prior to our initial ship date. We will notify people if their order is held up for some reason.

The expected lapse of time between processing the cards and actually shipping should be no more than a week in all likelyhood. Certainly a "reasonable" timeframe from our perspective. The alternative is, well, not pretty from our point of view wink.gif


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Delays?! No! Bill me now, please! Bill me now !! hehe, anything to get the game ASAP smile.gif (I also ordered the condensed military manual stuff on CD, don't recall the name of it. I hope it doesn't slow the order).

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Lobo,

No worries, your order won't be slowed down because of the MRL vol 1 at all wink.gif


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Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Doug, it isn't illegal so far as I know. However, there is cause for fraud claims if the goods don't show up after a reasonable time (measured in weeks not days). It would also be illegal (I think) to charge a card, not ship the goods in a reasonable time, and then not allow the order to be canceled prior to shipment.

Actually, I worked in this sort of mail-order morass for the last 4 years (in a small company like BTS, not the big, online enterprises), and Steve is right, the law (varies slightly, and I'm not 100% on the time frame) is that the merchant may charge the card if the product will ship within 30 days, or that having been charged and the product is still not available after 30 days, the merchant must contact the customer and explain the delay, and give them the option of either: leaving the order unchanged, cancelling the order, or having the merchant credit the card, but maintain the order for when the product actually arrives. Again, I'm not firm on the 30 day thing, but you get the idea. Also, people should realize that the process of charging back orders is not some quick process. The process of running several hundred charge cards (I'm hoping that's the minimum that BTS has to be concerned with smile.gif, balanced against an almost feverish desire to get this game now, Now, NOW!) is not quick and easy. It's usually a slow, tedious, mindless process that takes forever, and that's if everything goes right (one joker credit card, where you have to 'call' for authorization, and prove to the authorization company that you not only know everything about the cardholder, but went to school with their mother and still know her high-school pet name, can slow the process down considerably). In a shameless plug that I was actually thinking about making in general, but now can make here without looking as sycophantic, I'd have to say that I've spent $30-40 for games that didn't give me as much enjoyment, time-spent, and replay value as BTS's free Demo! BTS cerainly has my permission to bill my card whenever if they're assured that their distributing sub is getting the product out in anything like a timely fashion!


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Can you PLEASE Ship my game Fast the NZ dollar is Dropping ,down to about 47-48 cents to US dollar!!!! The Extra is gunna kill me smile.gifbiggrin.gif


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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Guest GriffinCheng

Hello BTS, I am writing to let you know my credit card has expired (2 orders totally) and so I have entered another 2 new orders and so if you find my rejected card number, don't worry about it.

Griffin @ work

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Guest GriffinCheng

Oh, btw, BTS, congradulations to you all for so taking many pre-orders in your first hit! biggrin.gif Wish the sales skyrockets when the game dues.

Griffin @ work

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I wish BTS took my money way back when I initially ordered and the Australian $ was half decent!!! Now its at a record low! http://www.barchart.com/cme/cmedadm0.htm

BTS timing on the release of CM couldn't have been worse for me.

The Australian dollar keeps on dropping (I'm gonna pay something like A$97 instead of A$83!) and I'm heading off on my 2-3 month European holiday on the 14th June (I'm betting 6th June as the release/shipping date, +10 days frieght to Australia, the game will probably arrive pretty much the day after I leave!!! aGHHH!!!!!!).

Lt. Bull

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Guest Big Time Software

Guys, I feel for your dropping dollar value. The last time I went to Europe the US Dollar was at a 10 year low. Every day it dropped and dropped. I think I was getting as low as 1.4 DM to the dollar instead of the more usual 2 DM to the buck. Ouch!

Stodge, yes. Just email me the address you want it shipped to and I'll take care of it.



[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 05-23-2000).]

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Guest Michael emrys

Steve, since I placed my preorder (about the time the dinosaurs became extinct, I think), that credit card expired. I was issued a new one with the same number, but with a fresh expiration date. Is there anything I can do at this time to expedite your process of confirming it?


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stodge:

Does anyone know what to expect from Canadian customs? ie. will we get hit with some ridiculous fee?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shouldn't happen. I ordered about US$200 worth of computing equipment to Canada and did not have to pay anything on that.

The UK on the other hand - I erroneously got a shipment here instead to Canada, and they charged me US$30 on a shipment value of US$75 (goods and shipping) Couriers charge you about US$20 to get the stuff through customs. So I am happy that BTS goes with the good old Royal Mail.



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