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How many Cnadan CM fans?

Guest Rob/1

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Another one here! C'mon though, there MUST be someone else from the prairies here. Don't be shy...speak up! And say you're proud to live where men are men, sheep are nervous and even the dog sleeps with one eye open.

Craig (gonna be a member soon)

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Well, a Dieppe Scenario could easily be faked. Just use the earliest version of Churchill tank that CM offers, and, use a 1944 Pattern Canadian Squad (not different than a 1942 Squad). The Germans aren't that different either, some 88mm Guns, 105mm Guns, HMG 42's, and early Rifle Squads.

The South Saskatchewan Regiment (battalion) managed to penetrate pretty far, and there are some interesting battles down to the Company level. Sure, the beach attacks would most probably be bloody and short, but, people are doing D-Day assaults, so, Dieppe isn't much different. I am sure another Battalion was involved as reinforcements. The Plan was that the South S. was to join up with the tank battalion and attack a German Divisional HQ. There are a lot of interesting hypothetical scenarios.

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