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Why we all are at a loss for words.

Guest Capt_Manieri

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Guest Capt_Manieri

I, being a person who checks the board rather frequently, has noticed a decline in new and interesting posts at the board.

I don't know why exactly everything has suddenly halted. Sure, it's true tht I've seen some posts pop up here and there but not at the frequency that I would see around late December. Although, I think I have an idea as to why things have bogged down.

We all are on the edge of our seats. I myself check the board for the purpose soley to check and see if Steve has made any announcement what so ever. The same reason I check Combat HQ...although those new pictures at the gallery were some nice pieces of eye candy. I personally, have certainly been estimating the number of days it takes things to get produced, what are they are finishing up, ect. I'm sure everybody has had these thoughts as well. I can recall a recent post that was made, asking for an update. That post articulated my thoughts and feelings exactly.

I think we can all hang on. But I think I myself, is having a difficult time doing it. I'm trying to occupy my time with things other than CM. But I'm constantly thinking and calculating when CM should arrive on my doorstep. Obviously the idea of CM being completed and arriving in January has been a lost cause. February seems like the only concevable month of arrival for CM. I'm just waiting. That's all.

As for the manual, I'm worrying about that holding up production. Most of CM players don't need a manual. Sure, a manual would be nice....but if it means CM not coming out for another 5 weeks, forget it. I say, make it simple or don't make it at all. That's my opinion.

If people get pissed about what I just wrote, so be it. The way I figure, you can't say, "hello" to twenty five people without pissing off one of them. Just figured a few things needed to be said. Nothing outrageous, just a few things on my mind.

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I think the reason that you (and I) see a lack of interesting new posts is that there is really nothing to talk about. I'm sure all of us die hard CM fans have played the 3 scenarios from both sides numerous times. I've even booted it up just to drive around and see what my tank could and could not go through/over/under, etc. Besides some pictures over a CM HQ, there's really just not anything new to talk about. If we had an updated Demo, or a couple of new scenarios, you'd immediately see things pick up. Since that isn't forthcoming, your going to be stuck with surveys on age, the use of smileys, and playing with graphics in posts.

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In addition to what CivDiv said, there's also the "feature freeze". No sense talking up things you'd like to see if the time for getting them in the game is over.

But OTOH, with the recent example of Los and his rifle grenades, perhaps there are a few knowledgeable guys who are sitting on their hands to keep from posting. They don't want to delay the game by convincing BTS to add something else at the last minute, for fear of getting lynched by the rest of us smile.gif.


PS: I'm really glad we're getting rifle grenades. But I got my rope ready for the next guy biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt_Manieri:

yeah, a sixteen year old that doesn't take crap from people.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummmmm, wasn't giving crap, just answered your question. If you read something into it, too bad. If I'm going to give crap, you'll know it. Now, grow up and quit being so paranoid. I just said what I believe, wasn't blowing smoke up your ass or anything. There's more to life than a game and being on edge because it isn't ready. So chill. It will be worth the wait.

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Guest Capt_Manieri

What the hell?? Now I know Steve is gonna close this thread.

Hey Colin, if you want to tell people to shut up, first be humble enough to realize that your page isn't that great, so you've got nothing to brag about.

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Some Currently Active Threads:

Clickable Building Status

Bazooka Backblast info

Pooey Internet Updates (Courtesy of Madmatt)

Much discussion of Age (as it relates to generalship)

A fairly humorous list of things NOT in CM

Rifle Grenades (now in the Game)

Sniper Talk

and More...

I would hardly say "everthing has halted". As to the manual, it is important for customers who have not lived on this board for months to have some foundation. Lack of a good manual would really hurt Steve and Charles sales = no CM2,3,4,5,6,7,8... And they wouldn't be as well rewarded for CM1.

Patience everyone. The world isn't ending anytime soon (As far as you know...)

Also, Capt. before you trash other peoples sites, put yours up on the line for us to see. Is Colin's site the supreme pinnacle of web design? Probably not. Is is a good site that adds to the CM community? Yes. That is what matters.

- Bill

- Bill

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Guest Capt_Manieri

Believe me friend, I am the last person who wants to ruffle feathers. But, what am I supposed to do when people keep being fight mongers?

I don't like all this negative flavor that has been in all my posts, but yet, why do people get all uppity over nothing?? If you don't like my posts, then for God's sake....don't read them!!!

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HEY! Do I have to pull this bulletin board over?

This is like one of the scenes where the shelling just won't stop (and you know when it does, things are gonna get worse quickly) and the troops start bickering and fighting among themselves 'cause they Just Can't TAKE ANYMORE!!! Or when the guy throws the kid's good luck charm out the window of the B17.

Just be calm and we'll make it together, as a unit, OK? Nobody's gonna die....

[sorry, just finished "When Trumpet's Fade", rented on recommendations gotten right here- go get it and chill.] frown.gif

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Hey Cap'n..

'Twas all in good fun. The stuff about my webpage is in my signature. Any opinions on my webpage are welcome of course. However, I don't seem to remember saying that my webpage was 'great'. If you don't like it don't use it.

Sorry, If any harm was caused.


Visit my Combat Mission for Mac page! With some exclusive images courtesy of the Combat Mission HQ!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt_Manieri:

What the hell?? Now I know Steve is gonna close this thread. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Correct me if I am wrong but I do believe you can be removed from active posting. Your next quote is grounds for just that. If you do not have a positive word to say, say nothing… please.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hey Colin, if you want to tell people to shut up, first be humble enough to realize that your page isn't that great, so you've got nothing to brag about. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Remember why we are here? I am sure that cutting people down is not why. Also, I'm positive it is not for calling people names (mamaluke). that is below high school mentality. CM and CM related.

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Guest Madmatt

Here, allow me to throw some gas on the fire. Capt M, for someone who professes to be a comedian you sure get all twisted in a knot pretty quick..Oh and here is Benny's (that his real name) little website address so Colin and others can compare:


By the way, word of advice, actually two words:

#1 Don't blast on other peoples work like that! It was uncalled for and needless. Colin has undertaken something that is VERY hard! I know, I do it every single freaking day...So chill my young friend.

#2 I used to be a Booking Agent and booked comedians and National Touring Rock Bands across the country and you aint gonna accomplish squat in that field if you don't learn how to grow a little exterior armor to shrug off what people say...

Carry on all...

Madmatt...feeling VERY old all of the sudden..Not sure if thats good or bad...Maybe its time for another Poo thread biggrin.gif

BTW, some of your jokes are actually pretty fuuny, it a shame that your 'real' sense of humor doesn't come out in your posts more often...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-16-2000).]

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Guest Captain Foobar

Thread Name : Why we are all at a loss for words.

Captain Maneiri, I might call you a lot of things, but never have I found you to be at a loss for words..... wink.gif

You realise that like it or not, you've become the battlefront whipping boy. Nobody here has anything against you, but they thoroughly enjoy ribbing you, given the high profile you've built for yourself.

Besides, you're a comedian. Surely you can see that jokes require something to laugh at. Us bland, quiet ones haven't given anyone the ammunition smile.gif Just take it in stride, don't give anyone a reaction when they're trying to get one out of you!

Foobar Out

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1. A LOT is being discussed on the board. A lot of important things are being clarified. Certainly more of import is being discussed now than was being discussed 6 weeks ago. Maybe you can't recognise the value of those discussions though.

2. IF people don't like your posts maybe there's a reason... A LOT more than 1 in 25 don't like your posts.. Maybe there's a valid reason for that? Just food for thought.

3. lay off Colin and Bauhaus etc. Being a <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 16 year old that doesn't take crap from people <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> doesn't preclude you from having some manners although, on the evidence so far, it would seem to in your eyes.

Seriously, you're not, I'm sure, all that bad but the amount of attitude you display here is too much. There are 14 year olds on the forum who behave in a much more mature manner. It's not your age which people object to its the total willingness to disrespect and insult others at the drop of a hat.

Cop on to yourself.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Uh - oh. If we are going to go on about manners I might as well just hang it up. Foobar has threatened my life. SS_PansyAss is gunning for me and some other dude thinks i'm his own little happy-boy, love-toy, shootemup-guy. rolleyes.gif

This forum is totally cool. Even much of the fighting I've seen is farily civilized. I remember a while back I tried to post a thing about discriminating between flaming and taunting (i was too filled with beer to operate the computer properly at the time). Had I been anywhere near sober it would have come out sort of like "flaming is mean, taunting is fun, but you must agree which is which."

It seems like some people get a bit touchy about things and it seems like some others might be a bit insensitive about the touchy ones and it seems like some just get all wiggy at the drop of a hat, or the twitch of a mouse, or at the suggestion that perhaps they are being a bit out of kilter with how some others might be touching the edges of reality in their own little slices of CM heaven. So. that being not said adn completely true or false (ala the physicists and philosphers bit in the oldfart thread) I suggest those that smoke smoke em, those that drink, drink em, them what taunt, yappa yappa, them what lurk, lurk a bit more and them with thin skins, glass houses, short fuses, bad tempers, bad genes, smelly pits, green teeth, fat heads, and ornery worldviews...relax. the game will get here. we will all have fun. It will be swell.

Love and kisses.

Peng biggrin.gif

ps: i'm only a semi-old-fart, but... whutsa mamaluke?

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 01-16-2000).]

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There's a difference between friendly taunting and letting rip on someone's web page because you felt like lashing out at someone.

Taunting occurs between friends or during games mainly. Flaming is what happens when someone you don't know very well posts something nasty about you (of course people who you know can flame you too but in general this is correct). I think the difference is clear in the forum and this thread.

Ps. Colin, sometimes when people take offence at something you say YOU might have nothing to apologise for. IMO you had nothing to apologise for here.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Fionn, Once again you have hit the nail squarely on its head, driven it smack home and made us all feel warm and fuzzy (except the mean ones, of course) smile.gif the mean ones feel very small and wich they could just apologize for being so mean to others. the testy ones want to apologize for the testyness and the ornery ones will probably not apologize but the rest of us done care.

ta ta for now

"All you need is love and several tons of HE"


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