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The "myname-yourname XX" convention was pushed upon me by my first few opponents, and I've since carried on the tradition and forced anyone I play to use the same. Isn't that how we all do it? smile.gif


“Thus, the M4A3E8(76)W designation meant a tank with an official Mortality of 4 minutes, Actually 3 minutes, cost Extra, and had a 76% chance of going WHOOSH." - Bullethead

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

I like to name turns after household appliances, or just random nouns. Sequential numbering just seems so boring...

turn 1 is named "dustbuster.txt"

turn 2 is "vacuumcleaner.txt", and so on...

try it, you'll like it. smile.gif

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I open a folder with the scenario name (i.e. "Elsdorf") located in the Pbem folder then I open two subfolders labeled "Me" and "He". Unfortunately I have never used "She". Are there no women in the CM world confused.gif ? I add every file send by my opponent to the "He" folder and every file generated by me to the "Me" folder. I rename them "SetUPUS", "SetUpGerman", "TurnXXUS" TurnXXGerman and/or "TurXXmovie" (I'm Spanish so I always place the adjetives after the noun smile.gif ). It works fine for me.

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The immortal Peng forced me to use:


where nn starts at 1 and is incremented 1 each turnaround.

So now that's what I do - usually pbem1, pbem2, etc (using subdirectories to keep each whipping-boy separate).

When doing AAR's, you can either change to mov1, plot1, and so one, or just stay with pbemnn and figure out the pattern to find your movies. I will leave this as an exercise for the class.

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I also use the a, b, c convention as in:

descriptivename 01a.txt

descriptivename 01b.txt

descriptivename 01c.txt

descriptivename 02a.txt


All you have to do is backspace one to three times and type in the new ending, but you can still find stuff by turn if you desire.

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