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Any 7-8 year olds playing?

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My son loves this game, has ever since I got the Beta Demo.

When my copy got here this past Saturday, I finally started playing it at about 5 pm. My son came, saw it, and asked me if he could make his own battles. I said yes, upon which he ejected me from the game and then spent the next couple of hours messing with the game. He put together sevarl battlefields. He even showed me how to do a flooded area by putting water in low ground. Looks like a bunch of islands in a lake.

He really likes designing battlefields, but the has problems with picking units ("Dad, what are Pantsgrenades?") He later starting looking for a canned scenarion to play ("I like them with lots of vehicles") and came to me with a piece of paper with the words "South of Sword" written down on it. He told me this was really cool because it has "lots of vehicles". The funniest thing was hearing him desribe a Bren carrier. He calls it a "Halftrack with all tracks".

So, you old wargamers, how many of you have sons you sucked into this hobby?

BTW, he spent several hours Saturday and Sunday on this game. I did not get to finish any battles until around 11 pm Sunday, and that was a small quick battle.

I need to find a good battle that is very lopsided so I can Hot-Seat with my boy, one with lots of vehicles (at least on his side).

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My 10 year old plays it a lot. My 7 yr old wants me to teach him. Unfortunately for both of us I don't have a lot of free time while he's awake. Most of my playing comes between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.


Jeff Abbott

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You might want to create your own mission. That way you can customize things so the game will be properly handicapped.

You might even do this: have your son make the map (since he seems to enjoy that) and you can do the forces. Then you both have the satisfaction of playing a mission that you created.


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Guest KwazyDog

Hehe, I honestly thought this would going to be a dig at finding an opponent for Igotmilk smile.gif

My little sister has actually gotten into CM, though she is into more map making than actual playing. I think its the 3D nature of CM that is making so much more of a hit than could have been predicted. It gives you so much more feedback, which is something the younger generation love wink.gif

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Guest Scott Clinton

My three year-old loves watching the 'Daddy Tanks' blow up. But his favorite part is the water graphics, but don't ask me why.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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There's an 8 years old here who's not showing proper respect and his playing quite well against his elder.

It's obvious the kid need some kickin'.


That game is GREAT.

There's a little of everything for everyone.

Eventhough some might object that it's lacking in the sex/booze Dpt...


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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Oh yea!

My five year old is getting good at small platoon size games. He's getting thru the orders by the colors. Blue for moving Lt blue for moving fast and the all important red color for shoot!

We've got a home network so we're anticipating the TCP/IP patch.

No, in all honesty he probably isn't grasping tactics per say, but he loves a handful of tanks in a toe to toe slug fest!!!

He's been practicing WWII fighters with Dad working the rudders, it's made him a killer on Star Wars Rogue Squadron.

Although his best game is Quake2, he can nab a few frags at the zone. He loves Midtown Madness too.

Aw hell now you got me bragging, sorry just running off at the mouth.LOL


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As a kid who grew up playing computer wargames and simulations, I can't help but feel a bit jealous of this crop of youngsters.. Sure, their cartoons are lame, their music worse, and their computers lack the sheer character of a C-64, but CM sure beats the pants off of those games of "Fields of Fire" that I used to play.


additional trivia: Fields of Fire was also a squad level weplan-wego game. The graphics weren't quite as good though.

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both of my boys like to play; my 7 year old would only play germans on VOT because he loved it when that Panther showed up. My 5 year old loves smoke, when he plays the entire battlefield is obscured. He floored me the other day when, during a head to head with his brother, he came and asked me how to get the engineers to cut through the barbed wire ! Just got the full version today! and my 7 year old is already into quick battles. I have to admit that I'm a bit overwhelmed by the full version, it is truly majestic in scope. can you believe the nimijen map ???

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CRourke:

As a kid who grew up playing computer wargames and simulations, I can't help but feel a bit jealous of this crop of youngsters<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Preach, brother! I wish my baseline had been Voodoo3 and broadband access, like my kids have. What will things be like when they are in their 30s? I even told my parents recently that I had a huge complaint about my childhood, but there was nothing they could do about it so don't feel bad: no broadband. I have to give my parents credit though, as they would cheerfully take us to the Lawrence Hall of Science and pay $6 an hour for mainframe gaming time on paper-fed terminals. I can hear me now: "Hey kids, remember when you were little and our connection was only 2.5 megabit, on a sub-terahertz computer that barely fit under the desk?"

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