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CM Battle in your own neighborhood!

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So I was (relatively) bored one day while trying to get ideas for creating my own maps. Then I had a great idea. I went to this little site I know: www.terraserver.com

While there I downloaded sattelite images of my town, North Mankato, MN (circa 1994). I zoomed into my neighborhood and printed out the image.

I quickly went to work designing a large-sized map based exactly on my neighborhood. It was so easy, especially since I live in a middle-class suburban area which is mostly flat. The only hard part was putting all the damn two-story houses in.

There is a river dividing Mankato [proper] from North Mankato. Two large bridges traverse the river and link the two towns.

So long story short, my felow North folk (played by American Airborne) courageously attempted to defend our town from the bastard Mankato army (played by Waffen SS). Though unsuccessful, I had lots of fun playing this scenario because it was well...in my own back yard.

I was obviously bored and am bored at the moment because I am not playing CM. Why am I not playing CM? I don't know.


Ah scheist.

[This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-18-2000).]

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Been thinking of doing one of my Neigborhood. Since I live in a Rual setting with lots of hills and rivers... Just lazy I guess...



proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-18-2000).]

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