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Public Announcement of my defeat

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I now stand upon the alter of defeat and in utter disgrace,after being humbled by the defeat from a superior general in the name of DARWIN. smile.gif

I acknowledge i was out thought and fought by his superior playing skills of which i should never have dreamed i could match.

And after my humilating defeat i hold true to my word to acknowledge publicly DARWINS mighty acheivement over a peon such as myself when i should never have been on the same battlefield as one so great as himself.



"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi Titan,

Will you do the same for me when i beat you in our "Red Devils" scenario??

Go on, please?



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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hehe it's a sign of your strong moral character that although you can take beating after beating on the field of battle the burden of guilt is too much to handle biggrin.gif

It might have taken a few days but I figured this post would eventually show. Not quite humble enough however, please have another go wink.gif

And let this be a warning to the rest of you about gambling, don't make bets you can't win wink.gif

p.s. thanks Titan, debt paid. Is it my turn to send file or do you need to regroup?

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What is this flaming heap of sissiness?

When you lose to someone, you don't apologize, you don't suck it up and say, "erm, yeah, I'm a weenie," YOU ATTACK!!!! Call him a cheater or something! Tell him where he can go shove that bloody Nahvertigungswaffe!!! Show some backbone, man!!!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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I now stand upon the alter of defeat and in utter disgrace,after being humbled by the defeat from a superior general in the name of...

CUT! CUT! CUT! Not quite humble enough Titan, please have another go.

Oh alroight. Ahem.

To whom it may concern, I, Titan, formerly of bad english grammar, now lay prostrate beneath the altar of victory. Looming over me, resplendent in shining magnificence, fresh from victory, is DARWIN, who has thrashed me most soundly in a battle of wit and tactics.


[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-18-2000).]

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I'm sure your loss was a bitter pill to swallow - been there. However, you do get my respect for keeping your word and posting - And for taking the abuse here as a result.

BTW - wanna play a pbem? I need some target practice smile.gif



The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know - HS Truman

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

To whom it may concern, I, Titan, formerly of bad english grammar, now lay prostrate beneath the altar of victory. Looming over me, resplendent in shining magnificence, fresh from victory, is DARWIN, who has thrashed me most soundly in a battle of wit and tactics.


Future victims take note. Herr Oberst has constructed a magnificent piece here truly worthy of your use as a template until something more degrading comes along.

Carry on.

p.s. Oberst your name is not recognized by the spellchecker, you might want to get with Madmatt on this.

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HAhah Herr Oberst!!!!Where have you been hidding my friend. IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU.

I havent forgotten!!!and i look forward to the opportunity to sort our past altercation out once and for all on the battlefield. smile.gif

And Chupacabra as for taking my post as a sign of weakness i can assure you, it's far from that, im ranked 7th on the RCDM ladder and weak minded players dont achieve that standard.

I was only honouring a friendly bet,and not to do that in my mind would be considered a sign of weakness


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Titan:

HAhah Herr Oberst!!!!Where have you been hidding my friend. IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU.


Darwin: No charge.

Chuppie: Honoring a bet is a sign of moral strength and character, not weakness.

Titan: I thought that if anything could bring the worm out of the wood, that would be it. Send me a setup, so I may let you trounce me and restore some of your bruised ego...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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