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O/T - Microprose - Squad Leader

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Guest gyrene251

It will in no way resemble the board game. From what I have been able to read...only the title will be similar.

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In defense of Hasbro - at least for the Avalon Hill stuff they're re-releasing; it's really good. The group that they've licensed ASL and some other stuff to, MultiMan Publishing, has done an AMAZING job so far. They demonstrate true love for the hobby.

The software stuff, well I can't speak to that.


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Guest Big Fat Guy

Baseball and MultiMan are two things Kurt Schilling knows.

The boys making Squad Leader have an OK track record. I say wait and see.

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Hey Squad Leader with the Kung Foo Grip!!!

As much as I liked the whole SL/ASL evolution, I dont think they ever rectified the advantage given to the attacker. To be able to see the whole "history" of one units move before committing another took away from the game.

Ive met the guilty partys. Bob is an affable enough guy. Some of the others are creepy.


[This message has been edited by Username (edited 05-04-2000).]

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I also took the 'wait and see' attitude before I bought any of the MMP ASL stuff. It's gorgeous. And it's playable. And it comes out a reasonable pace. smile.gifand they're redoing the rulebook with all errata and a new index. BTW, if you're one of the guys who lamented the non-black SS counters of ASL, in they're latest Historical Module, A Bridge Too Far, they've redone almost the entire German OB over in white on black for the SS - that includes all SW and most of the AFV. Never concerned me too much but I can see the effort they put in for that.


I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by seeing the 'history' of a move.


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