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captured guys taking victory locations

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Do captured soldiers affect the victory locations markers? I just played a scenario where I'd routed the british surrounding a victory flag, capturing several in the process. Over the next few turns, my forces advanced, leaving the captives behind. At that point, the victory flag was definitely german. Then, when the game ended, I panned across the map and saw a question mark on the victory location where I'd been storing the captured. None of my own soldiers were in the vicinity, but the POWs all still had their hands in the air (as good POWs should). No one else was in sight -and Fog of War was off as the game had ended already. What gives?

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In CC2 and 3 id just mow the prisoners down with "indirect" or "suppresioon" fire. It may sound cruel, but theyd just get in the way of your troops' firing angles because they would become a "Friendly block". Also, if the team that captured them was killed, routed, or seperated, the prisoners would often run away and join the fight against me once again. It also didnt matter at the end of the battle because dead POWs were just listed as "MIA"s, so it really didnt make a difference. So...

The Geneva Convention be damned!!! At least in CC anyway. Im not sure what the result of an "illegal" execution would be in CM.

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