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I'm curious. Has anyone yet played all the scenarios that came with the game? What about operations?

And are you visiting the support sites to get the scenarios being offered outside the game?

If so, how have you found these to be in terms of playability?


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Hi Bill: I am been downloading them. I have played some and most have been enjoyable. To this day the Wiltz is still the one that haunts me. I refuse to read any spoilers on it. When I am good and ready I will again attmept to take the town. Love that scenario.

FYI: SS Peiper and I played for 3 hours last friday night on that Cityfight scenario you sent us for testing. What a game! We are set to continue tomorrow night at 10pm. I have started writing a short report regarding the scneario. Will keep you posted.


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I was wondering Sniper! I did not want to interrupt you in the heat of battle wink.gif but I'm glad to know its going well.

As a general rule, I too have been impressed with the quality of "outside" scenarios. There is real talent out there.

Good luck in the bloody streets of Vossenack!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I've played about 3/4 of the original battles and 1/2 of the operations (or at least parts of them).

I have downloaded several user created scenarios, but have only played a few of them, so I'll reserve overall comments. The ones I've played have been pretty fun, though. The my favorites (so far) have been "Wyler" and "Maastricht - Tough Tanker".


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>my favorites (so far) have been "Wyler" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Good to know my work is liked!

I'm putting the finishing touches on some

more...They'll be out soon.One, "Puffendorf"

is already done.My Operation,Task Force Rose,

is still under testing(Ops. are MUCH harder to make).And...Oh Man...Get this!!!!

I was making a training scenario for Battalion scale forces,and I accidently

saved my playtest over the original!!!!!

It took me a few days to get over that one...

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Haven't played any ops yet. only played about 1/3 of the cd-scenarios. guess I spend my CM testing other folks scenarios or QB or DYO...

and oh yes I have played some of the "outside" scenarios too :)

most fun???....sheesh...

they ALL have been fun! smile.gif

though Niejmegan (sp) and Sherwood Fusiliers stand-out


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 07-20-2000).]

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Thanks, Intel. Did you play the full scenario or the Tanks only..Maastricht?

Task Force Rose should be a very good operation, Mch..

Nijmegen has always been one of mine. I love the different approach to the battle. It was a mean puppy to design. Thanks Pathfinder!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I've played about 15% of the scenarios from the game. I like to try to save those for PBEM. Generally when I play solo I play quick battles.

As for the user-created scenarios, I download them as fast as they're put up smile.gif

I've played many, many of them and with the exception of a few clunkers I've found them to be entertaining.


Rob Varak


Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


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Played Drive to Mortain and a Day in the Calvary operations. Most of the time, I have been play testing an operation that I have been designing based on the fight between 2nd Battalion 9th Infantry and Kampgruppe Muller in Front of Rocherath-Krinkelt culled from the accounts by Doubler(Closing with the Enemy), DuPey(Hitler's Last Gamble), and Quarrie(Order of Battle Series, No. 4 and 5).

Also, a boat load of quick battles. Don't really want to play scenarios until I've figured out my handicap against the computer or I've had an opportunity to play against a human player.

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