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Hi Guys,

Okay, I am a little biased, because Andre is using a game I played against him for this first AAR, but....


His format is something to see! You not only get battle comments, but beautiful screenshots showing what he ordered his units to do, as well as how they carried out his orders! Very nice.

We played an incredible scenario that ended in a draw! It is fascinating for me to now read what his plans were.

Check it out at:


Andre', great job! Lets play another one!



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Why the use of Flash though?

It slows the load times down terribly AND a lot of people like myself hate all things Flash-related. PLYS some people simply won't go to a site which uses Flash and some browsers don't even support it.

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

Hello again

There are many reasons why I use Flash instead of normal HTML. The number one reason is that it looks damn good! I have been working on Flash for some time now, and I think its a great tool. It gives my homepage a "different" look, and maybe its a little more enjoyable to view.

I understand that there are many users out there with slow connections, and that my page may take a while to load. Thats why I have split the the page into different sections, so that you don't have to load the entire homepage to watch 5 turns of a special AAR. And each 5 turns is about 500k in size. I know there is a lot of 56k users out there, but you can wait for the 500k to load can't you?

But I might just make a good old HTML version as well, for those of you that just can't stand viewing Flash pages.

And as I said before, I think it looks a whole lot better than an old dull html page!




"To subdue your enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Well, to be frank, no, I don't want to wait for 500 Kb to load and neither do a lot of others.

I strongly suggest you make a html version as I, personally, have never read more than 3 pages of an AAR from your site before getting p'ed off at the Flash and leaving. I'm sure the same must be happening to others.

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Hey, Heinz! biggrin.gif

Man gotta love this mans AAR's! He definately makes the best AAR's in the whole CM scene. (in my opinion atleast). Somehow he gets me really involved and wanting to know if his stratagies work. Then when I click the small red arrow, to see the next turn and it not finished im like NOOOO! hehe. Anyways keep up the great work! I love your AAR's. Remember our deal about doing an AAR with me smile.gif

P.S: The flash works looks great, and if someone dosnt have it installed, they should take the 1min it takes to install it. If not for this site, then for all the other flash sites. As for the load time....I guess its bad for some people, but I wouldnt know wink.gif



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Big fat pages, whether they contain JPEGs or Flash, limit your audience. Now that I live in Twomegabitland, I don't mind the Flash stuff a bit, as I see no difference in load time between that and HTML. However, back when I was a sad resident of Dialupville, you were talking two or three minutes a page for 500KB Flash stuff to load, so I skipped those pages. Broadband is spreading, but it still has a long, long way to go before it is the standard.

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

Hi again

It seems as there are different opinions here regarding the use of Flash. So I will consider making a Html version as well. But I will keep the Flash ones coming no mather what, cause the people with faster connection than dialup modem, seem to enjoy them.

And thx OsinO for your very nice words! It's people like you that make it all worth it. As for the future, my friend BJ Simpson have made an excellent AAR, that I will put up on my page very soon. And the the last 5 turns of my "Sars-la-Bruyere" battle will be ready for the weekend at the latest.

PS: I fixed that dead link you mentioned OsinO. Thx man




"To subdue your enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Need to chime in again. Andre' keep the flash! Sorry it is slow for some, but time moves on.

Just like I am glad that CM was not made for Pentium 1's with no video cards, I am glad that your site is using the latest technology. And I have bad news for you folks that don't like flash - it is here to stay. You will see more and more sites using it over the next year.

I can't wait to see turns 11-15. I am proud of the defense I put up, but feel that I was pretty lucky as well.


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