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Message for members of my Campaign (please make all post about the campaign....

Guest Rob/1

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I have updated my web page. I my not be showing yet.

I would like to add thanks to all those who died in the Frist and second world wars so we could have freedom.


Fight for your right!To play CM! biggrin.gif

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



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BHQS bord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-11-2000).]

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Axis Platoon HQs -

Rob has just sent me a list of names and email addresses. I have 7 names from him as below:








I also received independently an email from:


That makes 8 players, plus Yours Truly as BHQ. I will send out an email to all the above players now, to confirm that they are indeed still involved.

If you believe you are an Axis Platoon HQ and are not on this list (unfortunately, I don't have real names yet), please email me at cjohnson@cybermed.ucsd.edu.

As soon as we have an effective mail-list set-up, we can discuss when are good times to talk for everyone to get our effort underway.

Chris Johnson

Axis BHQ

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jard:

rdd24068 is in fact me smile.gif

Like in my e-mail adress :


( got me scared for a little while )


scared of what? wink.gif


Fight for your right!To play CM! :D

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



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The grim commander, face lined far beyond his years from his time on the Eastern Front, looked up at the young staff officer and sighed, "So Johann, any luck in contacting the various Zug headquarters?"

A bright smile crossed the tired youths face. "Yes Sturmbannfuhrer! The captured US radio sets are working extremely well in this weather!" The older man's eyebrows raised in surprise. "That quickly? I just sent the call two hours ago!" "Yes, Sturmbannfuhrer. The men are eager to fight!"

The leathery face cracked in a wolfish smile..."well Johann, we may yet teach get our chance to teach the Amis the meaning of the word 'ROUT'. Circulate the following order on my command, and continue to try to raise the last two commanders." "Jawhol, sir!" cried the young man, and with a sharp salute he marched out of the tiny room.


Circular: VI SS Panzer Armee, 1st LSSAH.

Date: 12.23.44

Kampgruppe Johnson Officer List (provisional)

Actrht = Adrian Taylor

FransElkjarJensen = ?

rdd24068 = Untersturmfuhrer Jard

a_navare = Anthony Navare

actaylor = ?

Darione = Marco Pelan

Labnash = John Nash


The old cavalryman raised his leather boots atop the Belgian table and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Now if we can just get the map mixup with OKW straightened out, we can put these bright young officers to work." Meanwhile, the sounds of revving tank engines and maintenance crews carried through the snowy winds as the men of the 1st LSSAH prepared for battle...

Axis BHQ

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"Johann!!" roared the old Major.

"Yes herr Johnson?" stammered the aide as he raced back into the room.

"I forgot something. Tell Untersturmfuhrer Jard he is correct - sharing ICQ command frequencies should help us coordinate our actiosn. The Battalion HQ ICQ signal frequency is 97515010."

Axis BHQ

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Ok there are only two or three more allied player needing to set up so you Axis guys I hope that your ready for a good clean fight!


Game master of Robs CMC wink.gif

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQHome of Robs CMC

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

BHQS bord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-12-2000).]

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Here is the Pictur of the Day for my Web page not show yet. www.geocities.com/robisme_canada/Burning_20Firefly.jpg


Game master of Robs CMC wink.gif

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQHome of Robs CMC

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

BHQS bord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-12-2000).]

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M Hofbauer,

Wait until you see the map. I think the more appropriate title will be "Operation What Was Hitler Thinking Pushing an Armored Blitzkrieg Through Thickly Wooded Forest and Snow?"... or perhaps "Operation Frostbite and I got Lost in the Woods on the Way to the Objective"

No offense meant to Rob whatsoever - this map will make for a great fight. But "Sudden Strike" or "Blitzkrieg" just doens't capture what we're going to put our troops through...


Chris Johnson

Axis BHQ

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John Nash, one of the intrepid leaders of our feared Axis forces, has made an interesting suggestion via email, and I want to float it here for consideration.

"Should orders go from top to bottom

i.e. batt. to co. then to plat? Could make it more realistic. Also another

thought would be to have command radius so that you could only receive orders

if you were within this radius."

Rob, this is your baby, what do you think of all this?


Axis BHQ

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We could try that. As for names we will stick with Robs Combat Mission Campaign.


Game master of Robs CMC ;)

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

When is this campaign up and running? There's been about twenty threads on it but all the players are not in place??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What are you talking about M.Bates! It has been going for the last two weeks!


Game master of Robs CMC ;)

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



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PeterNZ istari I would like to talk to you guys tomorrow on ICQ around 3:00pm Pacific time.Tanks


Game master of Robs CMC ;)

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



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I have also updated the Robs Combat Mission Campaign HQ web page so check it out.

I new POFD is there as well.


Game master of Robs CMC ;)

Join or get more info on Rob's CMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com



For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQHome of Robs CMC

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

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