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Message for members of my Campaign (please make all post about the campaign....

Guest Rob/1

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For all those who are intresed in my CMC2 email me.

Note: I am not giving Postions yet


Fight for your right!To play CM! smile.gif

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Hello you all...

I know Rob is my BHQ and PeterNzer is the allies BHQ but I would like to know who are the other players on the axis side ( if possible )

Also, as I saw on a earlier post, will platoon to platoon communication be a reality ??

Hope to play with you all soon...



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I dont have a full list of Axis names yet but I hope to soon as in today!


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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Yup you are an axis company HQ Tiger if I remeber correctly but I will have to check.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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Hi Rob/1 and PeterNZ,

I am afraid that Tiger sparked a nagging thought and spoke for the silent masses that have received the exact same answer to their drafting. So I will have to ditto his lack of certainty regarding the power to which we must throw our utter loyalty.

So riddle me this ..... Jawohl Hauptman or Yes Captain.

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Tanks PeterNZ, you are the main man.

I can see that you have your hands full on this one and I for one am very grateful for all the work you and Rob/1 put into this.

So seeing as you are now so deep into this I was wondering that maybe, just maybe, if this wonderful adventure into the unknown actually works out, you could evaluate the rights and wrongs of the process, and start a new campaign up that thrived upon the lessons learned from this pioneering experience. Nothing is worse then knowledge that is dropped on the floor and never utilized for something bigger and better.

I of course volunteer to help in any way I can with the daring prospects of the above mentioned. redface.gif

I know I am pushing my luck here ... but hey ! who dares wins !

Have a safe trip home. Remember that as the Allied supreme HQ you have an obligation to look out and not get hurt. The lives of many brave soldiers lie in your capable hands. cool.gif

Frans. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by HawkerT (edited 10-28-2000).]

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I have been testing. And getting the other scenarios for the campiagn setup so that is one resion why it has been bumped to tomorrow.

Here is some info on the battles we will be doing.

Battle#1 is called Opening the Battle of the Bulge.(First battle in the bulge)

Battle#2 is called Close it up!


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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The battle after that is callied Aranham. Yes Aranham. Other new on scenarios will be on my web page some time this week. With a list of the first couple of battles.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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I will be eamiling everone who is in the campaign today so check your email.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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Hello ROB/1 or PeterNZer,

Chris here. It's 5pm PST on Sunday, and haven't heard anything yet. Don't even know if PeterNZer received my email from a few days ago when we were supposed to "check in". Please let me know if you've received that data. Thanks!

Chris Johnson

"Allied Armored commander" (presuming that's a Company HQ position

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Well do to the fact that not all axis player have singed in it has been postphend to next weekend. frown.gif Wich is realy bad.

Testing smilys biggrin.gifwink.gifredface.gif


Fight for your right!To play CM! smile.gif

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 10-29-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 10-29-2000).]

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Ok i have the first scenario.. and there are a couple of problems.

1) Rob wrote the briefs/intros. 'Nuf said. O, the allied brief is actually the axis brief, but no problem since it's only two sentences long and consists of 'we must take the flages at all costs'. If Rob wrote those, did he make the scenario as well? Since he's Axis CO, seems something of an advantage.

2) I have more players than positions. There are 7 commands on the battlefield, and including me, 8 positions. Here are the players who's emails I have received.

R Waltenberg

T Mikkola

S Johnson

C Johnson

W R Strapps

B Balaban

D Robb

According to the emails I have two allied armor commanders. Hmm. Confusing.

Hope to get it all sorted soon.


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PeterNz I did make the intro brefing. I may sep down as axis BHQ do to the number of troops not bing set right. I will make all secario as it seams hard to get a good one.

Anyone Who is not part of the campian wont to be Axis BHQ?


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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Hang on Rob, we already have more than enough players, lets move one of those over.

You should have kept an email folder with everyone who applied to play in it.. would have been easy to work out then.

Why not assign one of my players to the Axis HQ. Noone has seen anything so no worries.

Do you have the right number of players for Axis? In which case, for everyone else, it's kinda tough luck.

Lets work out the teams.


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Yes I do. I will try to get one of those two Allied armerd commanders to turn to the German side. There are 10 players per side.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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Rob/1 and PeteNZer,

Concerned to hear that there are two Allied armored COs - I was rather looking forward to the position!

I sent Rob/1 an email on 10/21 requesting the position after he had advertised for it on this forum. I don't know when the other fellow sent his email, so if he was first, I'll accept that. But all things being equal, I'd love the crack at blunting the Axis thrust. wink.gif

I agree with PeteNZer that having Rob/1 as both scenario creator and Axis Battalion HQ may offer a bit of an advantage, but if nothing else can be done, we can argue that Belgian civilians sympathetic to Germany leaked information about American troops dispositions and numbers!! tongue.gif

Chris Johnson

1 of 2 Allied Armored COs

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I beleve that you were second. So would you like to be Axis BHQ?As I am steping down. I will only work on the scenario wich drive the campaign.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

Members of my CMMC should join my CMMC chat bord. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/robscmmchqbord

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I appreciate the offer for Axis BHQ - if the job is still open, I'll take it! I hope you won't feel that the hard work of setting all this up is wasted by not participating in the game itself? Is there another way to be involved, perhaps as a platoon HQ or some other facet where the knowledge of the Order of Battle and other details may not make as much difference in the outcome?

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help facilitate this game coming together.

Chris Johnson

P.S. Should we communicate directly by email after this?

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