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GI Joe/ German action figures

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It wouldn't be the first time an advertisement used the image of Hitler to promote a good/service in Asia.

In Thailand, it was used in a snack commercial.

In China, for the world cup, his image was used in a montage in an article covering the German soccer team.

Recently, in Taiwan, there is a restraunt called "The Jail" where it has a prision motif, with a picture of death camp inmates starving to death in their barracks (this was shown in the Daily Show). Although this doesn't portray Hitler's image, it does show a lack of sensitivity to his crime.

This is probably due to the lack of proximity of the asians to anybody who had suffered from the Holocaust and the European theater. But it is still no excuse. We don't exactly use advertisements with Pol Pot.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I mean, they've got the death's head insignia on the hat. They had that as their patch because the division's cadre was made of concentration camp guards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, this has been covered before, so here goes again. ALL SS had the Deathshead on their headgear. The Deathshead had been used for years before Nazi German as a symbol of elite units. ALL Panzer uniforms (not just SS) have the deathshead on them.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I found an action figure that everyone with money (a lot in my opinion) to burn has to get. It can be found here http://members.aol.com/kllysite/oddball.html

enjoy smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

gimme gimme gimme.... That's a mother wonderful doll, Berl. cool.gif

But let's not forget GI Joebucci smile.gif



Floreat Jerboa !

[This message has been edited by Babra (edited 02-02-2000).]

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IIRC, the Totenkopf and black uniform was taken from the elite cavalry arm of the Brunswick army of the Napoleonic Wars --- the skull and black garb were adopted to honor a fallen commander. The SS merely co-opted an already famous Teutonic military image.


Your argument sounds suspicously like the same one that get's trotted out every time some Grognard grumbles about the lack of Swastikas in WWII games. And here's the standard reply: It's a symbol of evil, (among many other things --- but I don't have time for that), yes. Just like the SS are symbols in the same vein of evil. But do you somehow think that by ignoring their existance, it will make all that former evil go away? Keep it out of sight, and maybe it will fade from memory? Just pretend it didn't exist? It's a part of history man! Get it out in the open so everybody knows about it! You think the only people who would be interested in this kind of thing are neo-Nazi's? (what does that make you?).

Like somebody already pointed out, it's just a doll! And I, for one, am damn glad it's a historically accurate one!


Nice picture. But shouldn't he have his hands up?

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please excuse me if this comes out harsh. I am not passing judgement on the SS,for that is not mine to give. I collect things that are of intrest to me, and so do others. I am SO glad that I live in a country that allows me to do so. If you dont care for what you think the figures stand for, dont buy any.

This is an ongoing problem in the US. People who have other views are forced to be labled by some of the 'right thinking people'. There are many people in this country that would like to see all things of the Confederates banished. Who the hell do they think they are.It is their hitory, and ours. Just because you might not agree with them doesnt make them wrong, just of an opposing view. I believe in my freedoms, after all , its what our veterans fought for. The US flag stood for many things "evil" in the past and present. Should we also take it down?

Its history and if we close our eyes....it will still be there!

p.s. When I bought my figures I talked to 3 other people who had also purchased them. Great guys they were. We talked of all things WW2 for at least an hour. Can you believe Chris, I didnt see one Swastika on them. Maybe they were just well hid...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:


Try Ebay. You can sometimes get these 12" figures cheap. I have some WW1 figures I purchased at Kmart. I have the German with late war helmet. Nothing near the quality of those WW2 figures though.

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MCCab wrote:

>It wouldn't be the first time an advertisement used the image of Hitler to promote a good/service >in Asia.

>In Thailand, it was used in a snack commercial.

>In China, for the world cup, his image was used in a montage in an article covering the German >soccer team.

>Recently, in Taiwan, there is a restraunt called "The Jail" where it has a prision motif, with a >picture of death camp inmates starving to death in their barracks (this was shown in the Daily >Show). Although this doesn't portray Hitler's image, it does show a lack of sensitivity to his >crime.

>This is probably due to the lack of proximity of the asians to anybody who had suffered from the >Holocaust and the European theater. But it is still no excuse. We don't exactly use >advertisements with Pol Pot.

No, but in Canada during WWII, the white dominated race arbitrarily took property, and put people in concentration camps just because of the color of their skin. These were law abiding Canadian citizens who just happened to be of Japanese descent.

Citizens of the British Empire were freely allowed to emigrate to any other country in the British Empire unless your skin was yellow or black.

People of Chinese descent had to pay a head tax to come over to Canada up until the 1960’s.

Male Chinese could not bring over their wives for fear of taking root. They could work and die, but not come as families.

Whites of European descent were welcomed and given land.

Asia has been for a long time the playground of white races. Read the history on the British in China and the opium wars. WWII in Europe was basically a western war fought by white races.

The European war holds little significance in Asia.

Von shrad wrote:

>This is an ongoing problem in the US. People who have other views are forced to be labled by >some of the 'right thinking people'. There are many people in this country that would like to see >all things of the Confederates banished. Who the hell do they think they are.It is their hitory, and >ours. Just because you might not agree with them doesn’t make them wrong, just of an opposing >view. I believe in my freedoms, after all , its what our veterans fought for. The US flag stood for >many things "evil" in the past and present. Should we also take it down?

The Confederate flag stood for a regime of oppression and slavery of a people. How would you feel if you were Jewish and your neighbor flew the swastika on his flagpole? I believe people of African descent make up approximately 25% of the US population. Isn’t time to show them the respect they deserve as human beings. The Confederate flag does not need to be flown from a State Capital. It is an insult to the people who fought for the freedom that the US currently has.

Racism is alive and well in North America and Europe. It was history that it was ok to slaughter Native Americans. It was history to murder Jews, gypsies, the handicapped in Germany. It was history to enslave blacks in the southern US. That doesn’t make it right! Sure it was their history too, but do they need their faces rubbed in it? Isn’t it time to give the non white races the respect they deserve?

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When I said it is THIER history i meant the sons and daughters of the confederate,not blacks.

How would I feel if I were jewish and my neighbor flew the Swastika? I would feel like I did before he flew it. He would have the right to do so.

or should I have the govt. remove it then I can start to work on other things I dont like.

You either enjoy the freedoms that you have or none at all. You dont get to pick and choose.

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Reality break.

Freedom without responsibility is the law of the jungle. Maybe this is what some people want, but many others consider themselves part of a larger society - where it makes sense to get along with your fellows.

If your expression of your absolute freedom is to burn crosses while wearing your white hoods, or banging your lambeg drum while passing a catholic church, or shaving your head and shouting seig heil at soccer matches - you can be sure some poor schmuck is scared ****less because your "freedom" is his terror and oppression.

If some person was let's say Jewish and let's say his neighbour displayed the swastika and this Jewish guy felt no difference then he would either be **** scared to start with or dead.


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As soon as you start limiting your "freedoms" so that they apply to only a select group (ie; only those people who agree with you), the sooner you see those self same "freedoms" stripped away. Why do you think the Supreme Court ruled that freedom of speech covers pornography as well as journalism?

If I were Jewish, and my neighbor started flying a Nazi flag, I'd probably be (in order): amazed, annoyed, pissed-off. But so long as said neighbor kept it on his own property, and did nothing to harm myself or anybody else, he'd be free to do as he pleased. ('Course, I'd let him know that I slept with a fully loaded Uzi under my bed too...).

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You know what, you are all right. Who am I to want to uphold our constitution. Lets outlaw the figures and wargames because it might upset my pacifist neighbors. That way they wont be frightened. You and others might enjoy them but they are offensive to some so we'll just outlaw them altogether.

You see, if people censor you from saying how you feel, theres nothing you can say.

Although I dont condone burning crosses, people in sheets, Swastikas flying, I do believe they have the right to do so. I believe in upholding the laws AND conserving our constitution. Its that simple to me. I am from a very diversed neighborhood and I respect the different cultures and beliefs of all. I dont ask the goverment to decide for me as to which ones to accept or not.

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I went to a Living History thing on saturday and the leader guy in our reenactment group(British Para) bought one of these action figures...

It was a British Paratrooper, it had everything... He said it took him an hour to put the guy together and that's only 'cause he knew what went where.

These dolls aren't made for kids haha


Formally Tom punkrawk

"Tomorrows killed by yesterday..." -Link80

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