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Anybody else having problems loading player-made operations??

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This would be better placed in Tech Support. However, make certain that the version of the scenario is the same as the version of CM you're running. Many of the scenarios available right now are V1.00-based, and will be totally incompatible with the V1.01 patched CM.


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Actually, there shouldn't be a problem. The scenarios are compatible all the way to the newest patch coming out soon (1.03) - just tried it, it works. Samu01, dumb question: you are not trying to open this with the demo or something?


"An hour has 60 minutes, each minute in action has a thousand dangers."

- Karl-Heinz Gauch, CO 1st Panzerspähkompanie, 12th SS Panzerdivision

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I had the same problem with McKinley's Battalion as well... that is, until

I put the file in the Scenarios folder instead of the Saved Games folder.

I can access scenarios I've made by leaving them in the Saved Games folder,

but other user-mades have to go in the Scenario folder for some reason.

At least that did the trick for me...


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For some reason the Guns of Fallstein is the only user-made scenario that works, and all my user-made scenario's are in the scenario's folder???!!!. Is it just that my v 1.01 patch is imcompatible with these other scenario's or is it that I have an error in my program??

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It seems that the .cmb and .cmc files have some issues with transferring on some e-mail systems (including my Hotmail). Moon's site offers .zip files of the scenarios and ops which seem to protect the package nicely.

Go for the zips when they're offered.


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