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Scenario Editor confusion

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I've been tinkering around with the scenario editor, but I'm somewhat confused as to what I might be doing wrong.

I am attempting to create a fictitious meeting engagement scenario where both the Allied & Axis forces have to 'travel' to where the all victory locations are. (ie - drive to a town, make contact, and fight it out.)

I am play testing it with no FOW so I can see what the computer side is doing so I can make adjustments in the scenario. When I startup the game, I choose 'stick to scenario defaults' for whether or not to allow the computer controlled side to place the units during setup.

However, what is happening is that even though I choose "stick to scenario defaults" for placement, the computer side is ignoring this and placing the units in other areas of the setup zone. (I had things lined up nice and neat already on the road, but the computer moves them around.) Part of the problem with this is it is placing vehicles behind rows of trees, etc. which has it's path fairly blocked to the road.

Also, I have some units loaded up on trucks inside the scenario design. However, during placement, the computer is removing some of these units from the trucks during setup and when the game begins, these units head for the nearest cover and do not advance toward the town/victory locations. I'd like them to stay loaded on the trucks so the trucks will drive them to the town.

I suspect I'm doing something wrong like maybe I have my spacing too close on the units or something. I've tried various things, but to no avail. I have also severely shrunk down the setup zone to restrict where the computer places its' units. I've also added some extra victory flags in the town to try and "attract" the attention of the computer controlled troops, but they don't really advance to this area. (It could be they are advancing, but very cautiously and due to the initial placement problem, their path may be rather difficult and slow and I'm not patient enough.)

Has anyone else creating scenarios run into a similiar situation and have any words of wisdom? Or perhaps the type of design I'm trying to do, where both sides are expected to drive to a location first before making contact, isn't a setup that CM is best suited for.

It's certainly not a big deal, but if possible, I would like to get this to work.

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Maybe the AI feels that it has units too close to possible enemy posistions to be loaded up on trucks etc? I haven't tried my hand at a scenario like this yet so I couldn't say if the problem is universal.


"It's a hardball world son. We've got to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over."

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Did you padlock the set-up of the troops? If you padlock the set-up of the troops they cannot be moved.

I hope that helps.

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Thanks sniperscope and everyone. It appears that the 'padlock' function will do the trick to keep the computer units in place.

I do have another question.

It's silly, but I couldn't find it in the manual or I missed it. I assume they do, but will the computer controlled troops automatically advance towards the victory flags? (I don't think there's anything I can do as far as controlling the speed of their advance, or will perhaps a few extra of the large victory flags "speed" them up?)

(It would be kind of a boring scenario if they don't auto advance where I want them to go and instead break out the brats & beer and have a campfire dinner!)

Thanks again for the assistance.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I assume they do, but will the computer controlled troops automatically advance towards the victory flags?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Some will but not all. The AI will move units to places to defend the flag or support an attack on it.

One thing for sure that does NOT work at present is setting up the AI to move units off the map. Instead, they just go to a map corner. However, I've heard this will be fixed in 1.03.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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