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C++ programming help, (I know, its off-topic, but...)

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"Moving right into Javascript...I'm starting at the bottom. Taught myself HTML, very easy. Now I'm working on Javascript and it's considerably harder. I've read a few tutorials on the web but they didn't help much. Bought the O'Reilly book and although it's a good reference guide, the author does an awful job of explaining Javascript to a newbie.

Can anyone recommend a thourough Javascript book that covers the language well for someone who has almost no programming experience?

Also, how much harder is it to learn C as opposed to Javascript?"

IMO, the O'Reilly books are good but definitely more reference than teaching guides. Keep perusing the tutorials, it will eventually click. Since you say you have no prior programming experience, I would suggest first looking for a book on general programming concepts. Try a search at amazon or fatbrain and read the reviews to see if the book has been helpful to others.

As far as C and javascript and which is harder to learn, C definetly has a steeper learning curve. Of course you can do fairly simple things with C but if you are looking to land a job with the C language, you will definetly have to attack pointers and become proficient in their use. Javascript (client-side) is mainly used to manipulate the DOM or Document Object Model of a web browser such as netscape or ie and is interpreted by the browser not compiled to object code like C. You will have to understand some object-oriented concepts to use the DOM and javascript and can find white papers on both netscape and microsoft's sites.

I would suggest sticking with the html/javascript client-side programming area first and after you feel somewhat proficient in that area you can move over to understanding the server-side of web programming.

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Believe it or not, I have learned much from observing all of this talk of coding and such. This stuff is facinating to me, and I plan to learn as much as possible, as soon as possible.

Do any "expert" programmers here, or ones that do this stuff for a living have any advice when it comes to IDE's and GUI's? I am currently having a hellish time setting up my Borland interface in Windows. It has something to do with the configuration and environment, but the path is REALLY messed up. However, I did have this guy come over and he taught me how to compile stuff through DOS.

Any thoughts on this?: I do not know if the sacrifice of conveinence of the IDE (Borland) interface is worth the time it would take me to try to set it up properly.

Do all you hardcore coders who are really good at this stuff have any suggestions as to what I should do?

And about this debate between C and C++; I figure that C++ is better because it can do everything that a C program can and more. As a matter of fact, from what I understand it, you can write a program in C and run it in C++ as a .cpp extension.

Correct me if I am wrong, because I probably am...

Over and Out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ghengis Jim:

Do all you hardcore coders who are really good at this stuff have any suggestions as to what I should do?

Correct me if I am wrong, because I probably am...

Over and Out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, not being a world's expert, I had no problems with the Borland IDE. I don't know how you've gotten the paths confused, or remember how to fix them smile.gif

C++ is easier to learn (cin & cout) in a few ways to C. What I remembered since your first message was a great place to go & get some free education material. THere's heaps on the net, but if you go to http://www.bruceeckel.com/ you'll be able to download a book called "Thinking In C".

It's free, go get it. You can buy it over the shelf too.

I'd still recommend starting out small, and learn and digest each concept as you go over it. That's why I suggest console Apps.


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I manage 8 developers, and I would never through C++ at a new programmer, especially MFC. There is nothing wrong with starting with Visual Basic, many of our Enterprise Apps are written in VB. Then when you're comfortable move into Java with Borland's JBuilder IDE.

Not that it matters, but I actually prefer Delphi for all my programming.

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Ghengis Jim wrote:

As a matter of fact, from what I understand it, you can write a program in C and run it in C++ as a .cpp extension.

Correct me if I am wrong, because I probably am...

You are wrong (see, if you ask for something you will get it). A non-trivial C program that has been written using "good practices" will not compile as a C++ program. The reason is that C++ requires an explicit cast when the return value of malloc is assigned to somewhere while in C it is a good idea to leave it out.

One regular on comp.lang.c newsgroup once tried to compile his C library using a C++ compiler and got few thousand error messages...

- Tommi

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