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TF Marks


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I had read earlier remarks about attacking the terrorist camp in TF Marks, and having played it many times in the past (and lost) , I gave it another try giving the recon/snipers a more active role.

It is a very exciting scenario, and I finally won the fight, with one minute to spare!

With the final transport helos leaving the area gave the good guys a 55% exit ratio and a win.

Sadly I had to leave a MG unit on its own in town and all else (left living) had exited.

Terrorist losses reached 80-90%....

An excellent scenario, Major!

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Marks and Fenwick are two of my favorites. I finished my last run-through with 8% casualties.

1) Use your scout and recon units to take out the SA-16s (set them as a high-priority target type).

2) Attack from at least two sides. You have the firepower to suppress your targets and you can cover all of the objectives more quickly that way.

3) Use your mortars to suppress and smoke MGs.

4) Once you have taken out the original BTR-80s, redploy your Javelins to cover the highspeed approaches the relief force will be using.

These scenarios are easy to modify and let you explore the heliborne raid in many ways. Enjoy.


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  • 1 year later...

The scenario was designed to hinge on the snipers, going to prove the age-old Marine axiom that no matter what lies on the battlefield (armor, missiles, etc.) the most dangerous weapon can still be a lone marksman with a rifle. Used artfully, sniper units can prove exceptionally useful in other scenarios as both scouts / forward observers as well as for their ability to make life ugly for infantry. The Major did an awesome job of integrating the very "small scale" presence of snipers into a very high-powered mechanized battlefield while retaining their unique ability to impact the fight in a very big way.

Mike "marksman" Marks

Task Force Marks

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Visit your local optometrist and tell him that you want a pair of glasses specifically for computer use - a "reading" prescription won't do. When I got mine recently I even had the wife measure the distance between my eyes and the computer screen when I was in my favorite position ( 36" to 40") and I also gave that info to the good doc.

If your optometrist gives you an incredulous look after hearing your request then fire him and look for one who keeps up with current events better. smile.gif

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If you have Windows 98 or above, you may have a built in screen magnifier.

Click Start, Programs, Accessories, Accessibility.

If it isn't there you will have to load the Accessibility portion of Windows that wasn't installed initially.

There are also several free versions of this program available. Check on CNet.com.

Send me a private email if you need more help.

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