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What exactly does "exposure" mean?

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Ok, this might be a bit obvious BUT instead of looking for a "conspiracy" you might want to use your grasp of English to grasp what the word exposure means in common usage and then apply it to the game.

It's all quite common sense.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Ok, this might be a bit obvious BUT instead of looking for a "conspiracy" you might want to use your grasp of English to grasp what the word exposure means in common usage and then apply it to the game.

It's all quite common sense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is the purpose of a post like this?

I know you are not stupid, so I think you can probabaly figure out exactly what I mean without acting like a petulant child.

If it is so damn obvious, most brilliant one, enlighten me. When I target an enemy squad, and it says it is 18% exposed, please tell me, in "common English usage" what that means. Does that mean that my guys can see 18% of the total surface area of their target? That their firepower will be 18% as effective? That I can see 18% of the squad members? That 82% of my bullets will hit trees?

That they are flashing 18% of their privates? What is it, since it is so abundantly obvious?

Damn, Fionn, I can see why people get so pissed off at you. Lighten up, and quit taking any question about CM as some kind of personal attack against you. It is just a game.

Jeff Heidman

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

Anyone have any idea, or is this another example of info We Are Not Allowed To Know?


I have only played the demo but I believe that exposure means the amount of the unit that is not under cover and is therefore vulnerable to fire. Therefore, a unit standing in open ground in plain view should be 100% exposed to fire. One that is out of view is 0%.

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Hi Jeff -

I am not sure, but I think Fionn is making another joke. Either that or he is feeling a bit "tired and emotional" and it is causing him to vent bile at every question he doesn't like today.

My take on exposure from discussions here over the last 9 months is very similar to your forced guess. 18% exposure means that a squad has 18% of its silhouette exposed for you to shoot at.

This does not mean, however, that you are only able to apply 18% of your firepower to the target. Firepower applied is the result of a number of factors and not linearly dependent on exposure.


desert rat wannabe

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"Damn, Fionn, I can see why people get so pissed off at you. Lighten up, and quit taking any question about CM as some kind of personal attack against you. It is just a game."

Agreed. Like my mom used to say: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.


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I always imagined that it was a multiplier for FP and was a function of both the "strength" (color) of LOS and terrain you're in, just like in ASL.

As far as what it represents in real life, I don't think there's an exact correlate other than the average "cover" the entire squad has. So 10% might mean 1 guy (of squad) visible through a window or it might mean the top of the head of each guy visible above foxhole.

A reasonable reply to a reasonable question. I have a punching bag at home.

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Guest Pillar

Yet another innocent victim who has been forced to join the "I've been told off by Matt and/or Fionn" club.

Welcome fellow member smile.gif

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I'd say BTS is kind of busy, so getting a strait answer is hard right now. To tell you the truth, I dont know exactly either but figured it was some indication of target vulnerability.

As for a certain someones behaviour, It just shows that some people can be ambassadors for the things they supposedly care about and some people can act like bastards. I hate people that cant break out of the adolescant bully mentality and need to feed their ego by putting someone down. Its obvious from his "CoolColJ" tirade that he likes to pick on teenage boys (didnt he go out of his way to make Capt Manieri feel great also?). A very sorry state of affairs..


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Getting back to the question smile.gif

From the manual, "exposure (infantry/non-armored vehicles)" means "a percentage value, stating how much of the target is vulnerable based on an abstract maximum (100%)".

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Guest Zulu1

I think Fionn's reply is right on the money. If you look at Jeff's post "Anyone have any idea, or is this another example of info We Are Not Allowed To Know?", he is implying that BTS is deliberately keeping us in the dark. Anyone that has been here for any length of time knows Steve & Charles have given more feedback and answers that any other developer ever!!. Steve & Charles certainly deserve a well earned break.

And losername, why don't you crawl back into your hole. Or is it a full moon and you need a fix by trashing someone. 90% or the posts you make are pure crap. It's too bad because you have shown you have some depth off military knowledge, too bad it's attacked to a 2 year old brain.

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Guest Pillar

Steve and Charles have left us in the dark about some things. For example, the formula for ballistics is something that isn't told. They'd have to show us the code itself.

So there you go. There are some things that aren't revealed, and it's perfectly within justification for someone to think that maybe "Exposure" was a formula too complex to post as well.

Give the guy a break.

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They (BTS) have said as much that they wont reveal certain aspects, formula, etc. about the game!!

Jeff's question was right on the money and the immediate answer was insulting and didnt really answer the question. Theres an obvious feeling here of "old school" vets with little or no patience for anyone they have no time for. These people dont represent BTS or CM anymore than anyone else.


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Yes, this is an interesting question. I have noticed that during the bulge scenarios or when it is snowing or raining my troops exposure seems to rise throughout the game. Of course when they are in houses or foxholes their exposure seems to be a lot less than in the open. I don't think the game gives you enough information to properly manage your troops exposure. For a start the ambient temperature is not given so that you can keep your guys in good cover if it's really cold. Also wind speed and direction are not properly modelled since exposure seems to be the same irrespective of what side of the building you shelter your troops.

Finally to be completely realistic if I run my guys who have a lot of exposure into a building it should gradually reduce the longer they are in there as they warm up instead it just goes straight down, this is silly.

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The reason your troops exposure rises after prolonged stays in the rain is because they are swelling up.

Pat your squads dry or squeeze them occasionally. This will reduce their profile. Commonwealth troops tend to remain drier under all conditions.

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Guest Big Time Software

Man, lots of piss poor attitudes in this thread. And since it started off with one that is becoming a bit predictable (sorry, I am also one who took offence to the original post) it isn't hard to see why others went down that road.

Read the manual. If you can't get enough information from that AND from playing AND from using your head, then simply ask a simple question. It is really that simple wink.gif

As it is, this thread is closed.


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