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practice voodoo and killer apps

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Is anyone successfully running CM on voodoo2s in SLI mode? It only detects one of mine and the graphics look very washed out and overall quite bad. Fortunately my primary card is a geforce 256 and CM looks quite good and is very fast, even with high-res textures installed and fsaa on but it occasionally freezes forcing me to reboot. Would BTS consider adding glide support in a future update or in CM2? Every game I have with glide support looks better and is usually faster with my old voodoos than with the mighty geforce.

While I'm here making my first post on this board I want to compliment the creators of CM. As a player of Squad Leader way back in the 80's, which me & my friends adapted into a 1/72 scale miniatures game (kinda like CM without pixels) and a player of computer games of all kinds in the 90's, CM is the "killer app" of wargames. Close Combat, Steel Panthers and Myth2 always seemed to be lacking something. CM is THE best and will only get better.

p.s.- looking forward to the TCP patch and please add glide support

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Since GLIDE is a proprietary API that can legally only be used on 3dfx hardware, it is unlikely that BTS will rewrite all the graphics code to the GLIDE API (for a sizeable, but very limited audience). Especially considering the amount of problems they've had with the Voodoos supporting DirectX or RAVE. If BTS decides to support another API in future releases it will most likely be OpenGL, but that whole issue is a developer's nightmare when it comes to a cross-platform game like CM.

It's hard to believe that your games look better on a Voodoo2 SLI than on a GeForce 256. The GeForce can do 32-bit color while the Voodoos (1 & 2) are limited to 16-bit color in their API/hardware (to my knowledge). Maybe the games you have were initially and primarily developed for GLIDE. The DirectX versions probably didn't get the development time so they may not look as good or play as fast since DirectX is a bit of a "slow gorilla" (but has more features). That would be a developer decision.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 06-27-2000).]

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Right and you have "Never played with any voodoo card before"

What right wing fraction did you come from, My voodoo 2 still rocks and its 3 years old. just becouse there is newer cards dosnt mean they shouldnt right code of it.

and by the way the gforce 256 has had more problems with other games that i can count! not to mention 15 million difrent drivers.

My .02

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