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Sorry, crews one more time

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It happened to me, so now it's serious. wink.gif

For once I had the ideal AT ambush set up, veteran Panzerschreck team takes out the deadly Wasp as it rolls by. But before they can get finished with the Ja!s and the high fives, the bailed crew single-handedly opens up a can of whoop-a$$ on them, and they are dead in seconds. I know this was discussed before, but I don't think anyone mentioned whether the crew offense/AT team defense equation would change with 1.03.

In a related note, I just pulled off a desperation ambush to save a PBEM game, but there was an odd crew related aspect here too. As the German platoon ran up into my building manned by a couple of squads and a couple of crews, the crews seemed to take most of the fire while the squads laid waste to the enemy infantry. Are crews and their inflated "point value" a priority target for infantry also, thus mixing a few in made my ambush more effective? The crews were killed but the rifle squads were relatively unscathed. Anyone else noticed this or was it my imagination?

Sorry to beat this dead horse again, but my style of play seems to provide me with a large supply of vehicle crews without much to do. I guess I'm just curious if this was 1.03 material or will it be around for a while.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TexasToast:

my style of play seems to provide me with a large supply of vehicle crews without much to do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL, charles. That was a good one. My style of play is somewhat like yours (that is, when I actually have vehicles).

What I'm going to do from now on, is get them off the map ASAP (i.e. as soon as they've calmed down a bit) to prevent an unwelcome European- or US vacation.

If pulled off correctly these are the very few guys listed as 'OK' in the AAR, too. biggrin.gif

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I still have to come down on the "I think it's fine the way it is" side of the fence. As a former tanker, I know for a fact we were always ready to keep fighting if we lost a tank...those of us who were left...

If it's only sidearms and perhaps one SMG that a crew has after dismounting I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect them to continue an attack. I think however, BTS's theory of "Bail-time" is a good one. When a tank gets knocked out and is about to brew up, NOBODY is going to stick around inside the thing to unlimber an MG or an SMG cliped to the wall. Despite this, we always had our trusty 1911A1's in shoulder holsters. "IF" the crew is modeled as only having sidearms, as I think it currently is, then what the hell is the problem? Gamey? My ass. I can't speak for my esteemed compadres in the US Army, or any foreign service, but in the Marines, "Every Marine A Rifleman" means EXACTLY what it says.


former tank commander "Bravo" Company, 4th TKBN, 4th MARDIV, USMCR

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Oh...oops. I thought it was the other crew.

Probably not more than a carbine or a pair of pistols. I doubt they carted around M1's or K98's too much weight for an already heavily laden pair of guys (with ammo et al)

They probably relied on support from the rest of a squad to proctect them from bad guys, as they were there to protect the rest of the squad from BIG bad guys.


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I look at it this way....

"What does the AI do with its crews after they bail out?"

I have read this and I wonder..

read this AAR account of the recent Heroism of a bailed crew under AI command:

Red Dog

Junior Member posted 06-28-2000 03:39 PM            


In a quick battle I was commanding a small British force making a probe of a village. In

the house to house fighting an entire rifle platoon was pinned down by a pair of

MG42's in a heavy building at the end of the street, so I decided to move my Wasp up

to clear the building. As soon as my Wasp came within range of the MG42's a Volksgrendier SMG squad popped out of hiding in a nearby building and fired a panzerfaust... it was a near miss, but the crew of the Wasp bailed out anyway.

The three man crew then proceeded to charge the SMG squad and wiped them out!

The next thing I knew the two MG42's in the building next door had surrendered to

the Wasp crew... sadly one of the valiant crewmembers was taken out in the fighting.

I'll definately be recommending the Victoria Cross for the whole crew.

IP: Logged

gaffertape replies:

Member posted 06-28-2000 03:43 PM            


Red Dog:

Did the AI make the call to charge the Germans, or did you call the shots? Either way, I second your VC recommendation.

IP: Logged

Red Dog replies:

Junior Member posted 06-28-2000 03:49 PM            


It was the AI; it all happened in one turn, the Wasp was fired on in the first few

seconds of the turn. Took them about 30 seconds to take out the SMG squad, and

then at the end of the turn I noticed that the MG42's had surrendered.I wish there was some way to record the turns."

End Thread.

Some people here are labeling this heroism as gamey. I find this difficult to understand when it is programed in the AI to act in this way.

I like the game exactly the way it is now and find nothing wrong with using crews like soldiers for recon. I do however highly suspect the some programming change to this situation will be a MAJOR part of the v1.03 patch due out soon.

those are my thoughts

your flames and comments are welcome.

-tom w

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