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Another one of those Crazy Things...

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Well, I've read several posts on getting their vehicles knocked out and watching it continue on until it hits a building or something. Tonight I had a jeep go racing across a wide road bridge at 65 mph and long distance machinegun fire killed the driver (knocked it out). At that speed, the tiny jeep kept flying, no one in the driver seat, just screaming down the road for a mighty long stretch until it hit some scattered trees and finally rolled to a stop.

The funny part was the platoon headquarters unit in the back. Not even shaken! There they were, just sitting in this fast moving driverless jeep, looking at the scenery as this thing went out of control down the road. After it stopped, they just got out as if nothing happened and went on their merry way. Not phased at all. Guess it doesn't matter how you get there, just as long as you get there. Those guys have guts, no one screamed, no one complained, but I bet it was a hell of a ride smile.gif

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 07-07-2000).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Lol, indeed one hell of a ride kump smile.gif That is one funny story, hehe.

I think the *coolest* thing I have seen along these lines on conversation was a Panther I had rolling down an enemy infested road at maximum speed. A shell from who knows where penetrated and killed the driver..the cool part was that the Panther actually swerved off of the road slightly and came to rest in some scatter trees. The shockled crew took about a minute to remove the crew member and replace him. Not long after he was back in action heading on his origional course smile.gif

Ive only ever seen this happen twice, but tis a cool thing to see smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 07-06-2000).]

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I must say, the funniest thing that I ever saw was a 50 cal jeep running at full speed down a road.... well, MR. Jeep got unlucky and charged into a minefield at 50 mph... and exploded in one hell of a fireball. He then proceeded to continue careening down the road on Fire, hitting another minefield every 40 feet or so until coming to rest after rolling over 5 seperate minefields... poor driver died but it was one hell of a funny sight wink.gif


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Guest Pillar

Oh yeah? smile.gif

Well, I once had a Jeep moving fast get hit by some MG42 fire. It swerved sharply to the right, just as if the driver had pulled the steering wheel in his death (grip).

This swerve changed the Jeeps heading by 90 degrees, it was still going fast. As it slowed down, it came to rest right behind some nice trees. The amazing thing was, this was quite a distance to the right of the Jeep from it's original position.

Clearly out of harms way now, the crew (or what was left of it) calmly got out of the vehicle, walked into the forest and knelt down to calmly wait out the rest of the battle.

I suppose they had a cup of tea too.


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