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Note to Scenario Designers

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Here is a bit of friendly advise for scenario designers. When you have reinforcements arrive please make sure that there are no cutoff open spaces in the set up area. I recently had a tank get placed in an open space completely surrounded by tall pines. What made this so devastating was the fact that my mission was to exit the tank off the far end of the map. (Sound familiar Moon-Awesome scenarios by the way)

BTS would it be possible to change the way reinforcements enter. Maybe when they arrive the game pauses so you could place them similar to the initial set up. I know its been discussed before I can't remember what tecnical issues this entailed.

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Thanks for the advice. As scenario designer, I for one appreciate it though I cannot lay claim to the mistake you point out =). As a reminder, Id like to see us all try to place the posts in the relevant forum areas. BTS has set aside a Scenario forum where this post could have been placed.

Thanks again Rod



"Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5. Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I've kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky. Well, do ya punk?"

[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-15-2000).]

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Hi Rod! I usually take care that this doesn't happen, but it was hard in the scenario you mentioned (if it is what I think it is). The AI enters them random, so it's hard to get it right. Still, it shouldn't happen... I'll check into that...


"An hour has 60 minutes, each minute in action has a thousand dangers."

- Karl-Heinz Gauch, CO 1st Panzerspähkompanie, 12th SS Panzerdivision

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Just finished it and it was definately Hell. wink.gifwink.gif Managed a Tactical Victory but it really didn't feel like I won anything. Pretty brutal. Need to learn patience, too much wagon before the horse tactics for me.

TeAcH, no offense but isn't the scenario section for discussing the specifics of certain scenarios. I feel this was more of a general game design issue. Anyway good luck with your scenarios, looking forward to playing them all.

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