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i've played "talonsofts west front" and achieved a major vic. in almost every battle. now in CM's VoT i've been beat by the computer (i play as the allies) every time. i guess i'm not the general i thought i was. any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Hi jmac!

Suggestion #1: forget everything you've learned from other games. What I mean is: don't think like "hey, this always worked when I played WF," cos it won't!

I have no doubt more suggestions will follow from several other members!


I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell

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The 75 mm bunker is the key to the German's defense. Use 105 mm arty as soon as you see it to ko it.

Your 105 mm shermans are especially deadly against infantry and other bunkers. Try to keep them out of the line of fire of the 75 mm bunker though, you don't want to lose them.

Problems with the Panther? You may be able to take a bunch of your tanks (include the 76mm sherman, he's great against tanks) and charge them up onto the top of the hill where he comes out. Load them up with a few squads as covering infantry, and maybe some zooks for added punch.

Go slow and steady, suppressing fire as you see it. Remember, you hold the initiave, the Germans can't attack or move very well.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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Yes, probably the best advice is to forget all what you have learned from previous wargames. Previous wargames tend to have "gamey" tactics that help in achieving victory. The original Panzer General and Steel Panthers are prime examples. In CM, you have to do what seems natural in a battlefield environment.

ie. It doesn't make sense to charge a MG42 post without suppressing fire or artillery, so don't.

So do what makes sense really. An remember CM isn't a Hex-based game, so that means you can move any where and any way you want to, (run, walk, crawl, sneak, etc.)


"While stands the Collosseum, Rome shall stand.

When falls the Collosseum, Rome shall fall.

And when Rome falls -- the World."


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*sitting in shadows* I used to be a huge player of West Front and East Front...until I played Combat Mission. There are NO tactics I used in WF and EF I can use in CM. I have to actually think as if I was on the actual battlefield to play CM. And I LOVE IT! smile.gif


"If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."

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