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Shipping question (for Big Time Software)

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Well since it wasn't exactly a pre-order, it'll probably go out sometime this week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday.

Now shipping times are varied.

2-3 days in the US.

4-6 days in Canada

8-10 days in W. Europe

10 days everywhere else


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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Guest Rob/1

You will most likely get it some time in the next week or two. Because there are people who sent BTS theres last year and they don't have them yet so it could be as I said in the next week or two.

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I think he has even longer to wait, because BTS calculates all preorders will be shipped by end of Monday. Then we start on all NON-preorders, of which I am sure there are 2 or 3 days' worth already. I expect his copy will be shipped by Wednesday's end, Thursday at latest.


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I guess waiting another week or so is not a big deal since I just found out about it.

Also, how does PBEM work. Does my opponent send me his moves and then I do my moves and just watch the 60 secs OR does it switch to true turn based?



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Jon, when sending PBEM files you will one of the following:

Movie only

Plot only

Movie and plot

So don't be alarmed if you receive a file that only has a movie or you only plot. It is by design. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.


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