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Run For Your Lives

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Picture the scene your in you brand new sherman tank when a squad of waffen ss troops coming running out of the trees

about 15 feet away my god they have run straight infront of your tank what do you do

1.stop your tank and wait untill they cross


2. hit the throttle grinding those waffen ss men into a pulp

i think the answer is 2

so can somebody address this issue

i know it would be very rare that you would get close enough to run them down but it would be nice to have the option

just think a pesky infantry squad in a foxhole with there heads down instead of having to assault with infantry(at the momment it.s to dangerous with tanks ) you just steamroller them

[This message has been edited by jake bullet (edited 09-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jake bullet:

Picture the scene your in you brand new sherman tank when a squad of waffen ss troops coming running out of the trees

about 15 feet away my god they have run straight infront of your tank what do you do

1.stop your tank and wait untill they cross


2. hit the throttle grinding those waffen ss men into a pulp

i think the answer is 2

so can somebody address this issue

i know it would be very rare that you would get close enough to run them down but it would be nice to have the option

just think a pesky infantry squad in a foxhole with there heads down instead of having to assault with infantry(at the momment it.s to dangerous with tanks ) you just steamroller them<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Couple of points;

Those Waffen SS squads you happen upon will most likely have panzerfausts, and god help the tanker who charges a ambushing panzerfaust.


If you find your tank 15 feet from infantry and are surprised, you've made a bad command decision somewhere. You need to screen your armor with infantry near woods,buildings, or other low visability spots.

Did tanks ever roll over people? Sure, but not usually if they're unhurt already, or in a foxhole praying the tank doesn't overrun its position. If the SS squad sees a tank coming from 15 feet away(and tanks don't exactly start like jackrabbits), will the A)stand there like the guard in Austin Powers and scream, or B) avoid being run over and blow up the tank?

It is very, very hard to sneak a tank anywhere, let alone up to someone so you can squish them.

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If you'll notice when playing the game, troop units can walk right through vehicles. If your Sherman somehow survives it's contact with SS ground troops, though doubtful, it would just move through them as though they existed on someother dimensional plane.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wayne:

If you'll notice when playing the game, troop units can walk right through vehicles. If your Sherman somehow survives it's contact with SS ground troops, though doubtful, it would just move through them as though they existed on someother dimensional plane.


The troops are abstracted as a 3-man graphic. If it's a 12 man squad they would, if they were real, be walking(running, I guess) around the tank, not all packed together in the space of the 3 men image, bumping shoulders and shuffeling to get out of the tanks way.

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Personally, I think I'd offer them something to smoke. Weren't much partying goin on in the Hitlerjungen, so I'd make sure it was cigerettes, Amerikanish ofcourse. Snuff if your out of em, and make sure you smile real big when the fellow in the rear points that real long telescopic lens at ya... It'll likely be yer last picture. smile.gif


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

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Overrun attacks are only really factual in 1939 - 1940 with German, British, and French heavies (Russians in Finland and Poles in the Poland campaign never seemed to do this in literature ie. Winter War)

The reason why an over run attack was used at this point was no one really new how to fight the heavier tanks with Infantry, and it was scary as heck to infantry trained to face other infantry. The purpose of an over run was not really to kill (although the Machinguns could kill) but to break the cohesion of the units being over run.

The British Matilda made a number of famous over run attacks in France, mostly because it's anti-Infantry power was limited. So, it shoved aside antitank guns, ran over horses, killed infantry until it ran out of MG ammo, and still it kept going. After scattering close to a battalion it ran right into a set of 88 AA guns Rommel positioned to stop its advance.

Germans stopped overrun attacks as soon as they attacked Russia. Russians, unlike earlier fighters, had already been taught by the Finns how to kill tanks, and they did bu swamping them in narrow areas. 1 Company 1 Panzer was not an unheard of exchange, but the Russians had endless companies.

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