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I know that this topic has been hashed over and over but....

Wouldn't it be really cool if CM visited the PTO? I know, I know, people say from a tactical level that it wouldn't be very interesting (After all the US essentially sent their ships to some remote island or atoll and then bash them with Naval Gunfire and air attack for up to months at a time and then send the troops in to mop up.)

I'll take the contrarian view, Guadalcanal, Tarawa (the first oppossed landing for the US in the PTO - situation was very, very dicey), New Guinea, Phillipines, Burma, China, India, all would make great fun, at least from a light infantry perspective. Night Fighting taken to a new level with sound in hte Jungle like "GI you die tonite", star shells, flame throwers, hidden caves, bunkers and citadels.

That's what I'ld like from Santa at Battlefront!

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I have been and will continue to be a strong advocate for this, Wesy. A lot depends on how many people want it.

I hope a lot of folks who love the Pacific Theater of Operations will take their case to BTS.

Are you familiar with SPWAW? It is another tac level game and you'll find all kinds of Pacific battles, invasion of Tarawa, Bloody Ridge, Battle of the Ilu, Invasion of Iwo, The Chindits, Merrill's Marauders, and many, many more.

It plays well, great graphics and offers you while you wait for BTS Pacific an outlet to enjoy pacific battles.

You'll find it at


Take a tour of the site and the game depot. The nice thing is that the game is free!

Pay us a visit. Since BTS currently has no Pacific module, this is something you might want to consider.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Here here Bill!!

By golly, I knew everyone on here wasn't from Lappland. I also want to see a PTO from BTS. The CM engine is perfectly suited for the Pacific Island fighting. No, it's not a tankers shootout. The kids who love playing with King Tigers and der munsterschleppers would probably lose interest in little details like infantry assults and small unit hand to hand combat tactics. And while I'm unfamiliar with the Finnish participation in the Pacific, I'm sure someone here can enlighten us as to what vital role they played at Tarawa.

Here-here my good man, well said indeed!! Let's hear from all yee who think the PTO is just as good of an idea for a BTS project as Lappland. wink.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 11-17-2000).]

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Guest AL the red

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

Are you familiar with SPWAW? It is another tac level game and you'll find all kinds of Pacific battles, invasion of Tarawa, Bloody Ridge, Battle of the Ilu, Invasion of Iwo, The Chindits, Merrill's Marauders, and many, many more.

It plays well, great graphics and offers you while you wait for BTS Pacific an outlet to enjoy pacific battles.


This game look`s great.But at 342MB it would take me over a day to download it! eek.gif

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Guest AbnAirCav

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But at 342MB it would take me over a day to download it!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I bought the December issue of Computer Gaming World for just that reason, it's on one of the two CD-ROMs.

FWIW, I'd gladly pay for CM PTO! smile.gif

[This message has been edited by AbnAirCav (edited 11-17-2000).]

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Sorry, guys, I should have mentioned Computer Gaming World has the game (SPWAW)on CD when you buy their December issue.

That would save you that humongous download time.

It's worth a look and if you do get it, there are plenty of good pac scenarios for the game at the SPWAW Game Depot.


And we will continue to lobby for the Pac version of CM, I promise!

Thanks Bruno.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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My feeling is this, if BTS is doing WWII do ALL of it!! The whole shebang! I know some people aren't as hopped up by one theater as opposed to another. But you know what? I bet they would be once the discussions got going.

I wasn't that juiced about the OST front till I started reading the discussions that sprang up from the guys that were. Now I am psyched. And will be thrilled when it goes gold! As I will be with all the CM titles. Anything can be interesting if you give it a chance.

I for one would love to get into some gritty pacific fighting in CM! I'll back it. and looking around me it seems I am in good company in so doing this.


[This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-19-2000).]

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Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy SPWAW and of course, we'll keep the flame burning bright for CM-Pacific.

Yes, this is one of the major attractions of the this marvelous game. We could have all of these types of battles that have been mentioned.

As we all know, CM was designed as an infantry game and that is what you have in the Pacific. Of course there were numerous tank engagements, one sided of course, but we can fix that wink.gif.

It would still be challenging and fun. I think the CM engine is an ideal tool for the Pacific and as the day of decision approaches (no time soon...ARGH!), we'll be ready.

To get there we'll have to fight our way through Russia, the Mediterranean, Italy and God knows where else.

But I'll wait, bide my time and speak for all of us who want this module so badly. It can happen!

The BTS crew has always been open to suggestion and they listen to what folks want. Those are reasons it has been such a pleasure to work with them!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Yes it is! CM Borg you have another customer.

Bruno, was it just me or could you hear the music accompanying Bill's speech. It rose in pitch as I pictured him pounding his fist in empahsis, a great huge American Flag waving behind him. Thank god he isn't a recruiting officer, I would've been down there signing away my long hair to the US Army...Infantry of course!

Always a pleasure fellas!


[This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-20-2000).]

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While I have my reservations about the differences in the weapons each side carried, I would support a CM-PTO game. Allthough, IMHO, I don't think you cna entirely represent the PTO without the Naval Warfare, but that's just me (see Midway). However, the notion of being able to fight through battles like Iwo Jima and Guadacanal does have an appeal.


"And that's how you take out a Pillbox using a kleenex, a paper clip and a rabid monkey. Any questions?"

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I would also like to see PTO for CM. The fact that so many troops fought there is reason enough to model it using the wonderful CM engine.

Wild Bill for President?!?

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I would also like to see PTO for CM. The fact that so many troops fought there is reason enough to model it using the wonderful CM engine.

Wild Bill for President?!?

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I would also like to see PTO for CM. The fact that so many troops fought there is reason enough to model it using the wonderful CM engine.

Wild Bill for President?!?

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I'd vote with my dollars for PTO CM today if I could. There are plenty of possibilities to explore, including actions in continental Asia. I hope BTS will reconsider their expansion plan and find room for the PTO sooner rather than later.

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This is very encouraging, gentlemen. Thanks for voicing your support of such a project. It gives me some good ammunition for the appeal to the higher BTS Supreme Court.

Your arguments are sound. Your plea is legitimate. Be assured I will not let this lie dormant. I am attentive to your requests and will try to wield any puny influence I have (with the backing of many of you) to see that we get CM-Pacific.

I can't promise to succeed, but I do promise to try.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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That's it we'll get Wild Bill for President - we wouldn't have to worry about hanging/dimpled chads! Seriously though, hasn't this theater (PTO) been overlooked for far too long from any game company? I went to Japan, a about a month ago and went to the Yushukan (It's a Military Musuem right next to the Yasukuni Shrine - memorial for the war dead).

They have the following:

Several Arty pieces - as big as 150mm

Planes: Restored D4Y Judy, Ohka (aka Baka - rocket powered suicide plane), Kaiten (another Suicide weapon - essentially a piloted torpedo)

Swords from many leaders dating back to the Sino-Japanes War. Military uniforms etc. Dioramas etc.

If you're ever in Tokyo, it's a pretty cool place to visit. Lots of veterans, on Sundays you'll get the Japanese Right Wingers out there singing Kimigayo (the national anthem), shouting Banzai!. I also went to the Imperial Palace and actually saw a bunch of veterans doing this.

I do have a personal stake in seeing a PTO version of CM. My dad's cousin was killed on Saipan and another one was killed during the Imphal Operations in 1944. My Uncle was in OTS in Manchuria when the war ended and spent time in the Gulag in Sibera near lake Baikal.

My mom (who was in Junior High School), worked on the production lines for Torpedoes, and various munitions (to this day, the smell of industrial petroleum products reminds her of working in the factory. ) She survived air raids (the sky was black from the hundreds of B-29s), remembers the sounds of the bomb's coming down and hearing debris hit her bomb shelter. She also was strafed by F6F Hellcats near the very end of the war - she'ld hide behind the trees...It's interesting to hear the "other" side for historical perspective.

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