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Sherman Crocodile can't damage concrete pillbox - whats wrong?

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Hi guys,

I was hoping someone can help me with identifying a poblem I'm having in one of my PBEM's. A Sherman crocodile (w/ flamethrower) is shooting at a concrete pillbox located at the save elevation as the Sherman. The Sherman as a regular, and the LOS bar says I have good chances to hit but the chance to kill stays at "None".

Now what I can't figure out is, why this is happening. The Sherman is about 200 meteres away from the pillbox, so I don't think its a matter of distance. I figured it's rounds then, but the Sherman seems to have HE and Anti tank rounds. Weird thing is, it keeps using the HE rounds even though it has a good amount of anti tank rounds as well, which should be able to destroy the pillbox.

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?

BTW - I Can't move the Sherman closer for a nice flaming death for the pesky pillbox, because the Sherm was immobilized by an AT gun.

Any help would be appreciated!


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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As far as what rounds, the Sherman should be using HE against a pill box.

Ah, I just re-read this and get it now.

As to why it's got 0% chance to kill I'd say that's because you aren't facing the firing slit. Unless you can get a round INTO the bunker I don't think a Sherman (75mm?)is going to have a chance.

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 09-01-2000).]

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I see! So basically there is no round which can take out the side or back of the pillbox?

Well, thanks for your answers guys, I'll know to position better now!


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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I had a Croc fire HE at the rear of a concrete pillbox yesterday and penetrate the rear door. The crew started to bail out and the Croc toasted them with his flamethrower. The only other way I've taken out pillboxes with tanks is by firing slit penetrations or just pounding them with HE until the crew bails(but the PB is unharmed).

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Now that sounds like an idea. Better yet, have the crew jump out of the croc and knock on the rear door. Have them chuck a grenade in and haul a$$........It would be kinda neat if you could force a crew to bail out of their tank to do that. But unrealistic for sure.



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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I think the Sherm with a high velocity 76 mm gun can pierce the side of a concrete bunker. Still, you're best off trying for the firing slit (unless it's an antitank bunker) or the rear door. 105 mm artillery is also very useful in bunker busting, especially AT bunkers that you can't outflank very well.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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This is a bit off topic but since it relates to bunker busting, here goes. I was playing a certain scenario against the AI that required my guys to take out a MG bunker. Problem was, I had no engineers near the bunker and it had to go fast. I decide to send standard para infantry to the rear of the bunker and try to enter through the back door. It worked. My infantry went through the back door, I heard firing, grunts, yells and then see my guys running out the back door like the place was on fire. I decide to try it again and send another squad through the back door, only this time I give them the target order against the bunker. After some more firing, grunts and groans out come my squad with the machinegun crew surrendered. I did'nt know this could be done until I experimented. Amazing what you can find out about this game if you get a little innovative.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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First time poster, but I had to,ehehe.....I am the owner of that pillbox,eheheh...and it is too funny to watch. He hits it alot, and nothing happens, GOD I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! Come on commisar, try again,ehehhe.......

Tanks alot;



prick us do not we bleed?

wrong us do not we avenge?

CRY HAVOC!!!!!!!!

and let slip the dogs of war...

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Oh I will...oh surely surely so...soon, when I take out that gun...and the one afterwards...and the one which ends up killing the men that take out the previous two...I will kill that bunker if it's the last damn thing I do!



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris B:

Ok, call me anglophile, but...

Please, the Crocodile is a Churchill VII, a british tank. Never heard of a Sherman Crocodile.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There was a Sherman flame variant, but I had always thought they were just used by the Marine Corps in the Pacific. No Idea if the troops actually called it a Crocodile.

Hey, Commisar, the BEST tank for taking out pillboxes is the Churchill AVRE. It was designed in part to do this very task. The 290mm Petard mortar it mounts was purpose-built to destroy concrete fortifications. (no range to speak of, but 400mm of penetration at 0 deg.!)


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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I have gotten through the rear door of a concrete pillbox with a PIAT. Caused casualties too. Not every shot caused casualties or even got through, but it supressed the heck ot of that box. Did not knock it out though till I worked some engineers with satchel charges up to the (now damaged?) rear door. Was never sure if the game was modeling the damage to the door by the PIAT and that was how the engineers got their charges in, or if it just kinda happened.

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