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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Why Hairy Oberst amuses me. This was sent with his last file:




GI 1: "Ouch!"

GI 2: "What happened, Joe?"

GI 1: "Stubbed my damn toe on something, Bob."

GI 2: "Well, what is it?"

GI 1: "Some pile of paper."

*picks it up*

GI 1: "What's this crap, 'Croda_HerrOberst_04'... Sounds Kraut to me."

GI 2: "Take it back to company."

(time passes...)

GI 2: "Well, what happened?"

GI 1: "Hell if I know. I gave them the pile of papers, then they shooed me

over to the mess hut. Half an hour later, they call me in and give me this


*waves pile of papers at GI 2*

GI 2: "Damn, 'Croda_HerrOberst_05'. Now what do we do?"

GI 1: "I'm supposed to put these right where I found those other ones, then

keep on doin what we were."

*puts pile on the ground*

GI 2: "Ready?"

GI 1: "I guess... Let's move 'em out."

GI 2: "Where we headed again?"

GI 1: "Beats me. That-a-way..."




I will kill him last, and let his goldfish live.



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Guest *Captain Foobar*


Originally fnord posted by Germanboy:

Challenge update, Cpt. Foobar and another unimportant nitwit:

Map just dashed off to Happy Ethan, Geier to determine weather and things. Rely on the old firm, I say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very well, I will submit to your wishes. For the record, My sponsor in AA, as well as the cesspool is going to be The dark one, Berlichtengensenjenden. I am facing Roborat in this duel. I have no idea who his sponsor is; it's probably Lorak, aka the dim one.

Oh, and the "one I will not mention" alluded to by The Multitude of HAMSTERS is me. They did not want any further mention of our current match. Their performance has been laughable, and I would certainly want to forget about it if I was them.

I will respect their wishes on this matter, and keep this match hush hush. But on a side not I have to say that there is nothing more amusing than a Free French Halftrack rush directly into a cliff.

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Posted this in the forum, but figured I'd throw this in here too.

Due to being an idiot, It appears I have momentarly killed my PC. So I am in PBEM limbo for a while.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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GI #1: Crooda...

GI #2: Croooodaaaaaa...

GI #1: Where the hell do you think they went???

GI #2: Dunno, says right here, on them papers, that there's supposed to be hamsters about, and we're supposed to find 'em and kick their little behinds.

GI #1: Yeah, I know. But I ain't seen no hamsters yet.

GI #2: Well, ya know that their leader is insane... Mebbe he marched them all off in the wrong direction, or has them defending another town somewhere else.

GI #1: Could be. But all the same, I got the taste for some hamster stew. I'd like to find me some of them, and send the missus home a fur coat.

GI #2: Yup, I know what you mean. Jus' keep your eyes open, and your nose too. I hear them critters stink pretty bad too, 'specially after they been peeing in one place for a while...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Goriarty - mefinks I should dismember you and bury your various body-parts in the numerous shallow graves which bear the remnants of Sauron and Blousehouse. Of course - if the incessant muttering of those two about my superior skill, while they stroll around the office, trying to come to terms with what I am doing to their troops, should make you go all blousie yourself, you would be excused. If not, my email box awaits your setup.


To quote Sir Peng, "Feh."

To quote Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, "Nuts."

You're on. I have sent you an e-mail to set the ground rules for this tilt. And Blousie-ness is limited to one ... and that one ain't me.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

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Ive decided to drop in and check out the endless thread..


I guess this thread allows you guys to flit out from under your mommies/wives skirts and peck out this dreck and think you are somehow as talented as me?

You feel it somehow armors you against the realities of the failings of your dismal lives?

Dont get your hankies in a knot cause you'll find yourselves messing yourselves trying to match wits with me, Mr. Sunshine.


Thats cause I can give ya a brain wrench like I did to that sinister looking prof Slapdragon. He played and payed with braincells. Wow. Would I ever stop laughing I wondered...???

So go on. Amuse yourselves. I'm watching.

Lewis (aka Mr Sunshine to you)

PS Go Yankees

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Ive decided to drop in and check out the endless thread..


I guess this thread allows you guys to flit out from under your mommies/wives skirts and peck out this dreck and think you are somehow as talented as me?

You feel it somehow armors you against the realities of the failings of your dismal lives?

Dont get your hankies in a knot cause you'll find yourselves messing yourselves trying to match wits with me, Mr. Sunshine.


Thats cause I can give ya a brain wrench like I did to that sinister looking prof Slapdragon. He played and payed with braincells. Wow. Would I ever stop laughing I wondered...???

So go on. Amuse yourselves. I'm watching.

Lewis (aka Mr Sunshine to you)


*looks with disgust*

Never mind 'poolers. Thought we had an intelligent post here, but this one was a dud. Nary an inkling of smarts, vindictiveness, or venom in this post. Sorry to interrupt, carry on.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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A brain wrench, eh, Lewis.

Funny thing about wrenches, they can turn bolts with ease but nothing is done if they ain't got the nuts.

P.S. -- Go Mets.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 10-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

A brain wrench, eh, Lewis.

Funny thing about wrenches, they can turn bolts with is but nothing is finished if they ain't got the nuts.

P.S. -- Go Mets.



Two quick posts but perhaps too quick. Anyone translate?


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As originally stated by PeterNZ:

If turns came more than once every second coming there might be something else to chortle about I guess. As for the hamstercans they have been well covered by *deleted for security reasons* and that sorry attempt for a 'surprise' rear attack, well, it looks like a nice try. We'll see what happens.


Oh, by the by, did I happen to mention what really happened???

Well, well, well, it seems that I have divined the super-top-secret-Maxwell-Smart-style device Mistah Pita-bread-head used to "cover" his hamstercans.

I admire his attempt, but he really could have chosen something better than two king-sized bedsheets with big red concentric circles painted on them.


I can only assume that deep down in his heart, he knew that they were doomed. Indeed the turn before, he must have been sitting in damp pants after having one hamstercan survive three bazooka shots from close range, then seeing the approach of my "Hound of Hell".

Ahh, but the Fates are fickle, and my sacrifice of the blood, and scum, and... (eew, nevermind) of Croda, or at least the promise thereof, turned them to my favor.

Aah, I almost forgot, how negligent of me!!

I am due a chortle...


aw hell, make it a double...




To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::


Two quick posts but perhaps too quick. Anyone translate?



Yep, pulled the trigger too quick on that one. Thanks for noticing.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

PawBroon: My dear, dear Frenchman. I am beating you so soundly that I nearly feel bad taunting you



I have that nagging feeling that not only are you a hedge hugger but you are also not looking every where on the battlefield.

I'm glad you're thinking I'm having my butt kicked because at least you are enjoying yourself some till you can.

Those young ones, always rushing to bad conclusions...



Goaty to YK2: I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard...

PawBroon to Goaty: I do not take subcontractors!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Due to being an idiot, It appears I have momentarly killed my PC.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess you should register that win to the Ladder.



Goaty to YK2: I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard...

PawBroon to Goaty: I do not take subcontractors!

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Herr Oberst

I could conclude you are evil. But I think that is just too unlikey. It's clear to me now that my tankers were communists and this was a secret plot to get out of the war and go to Canada, to live it up with the Maple Syrup and easy women.

Darn you to heck


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

(something in Advanced English Substitute™, a language almost, but not entirely, unlike English)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Welcome to your spiritual home, Lewis. But I think your weapon is less of a wrench and more of a left-handed smokeshifter.





"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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