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Curious: Most used settings in game?

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I was just curious to know from others, what are the most commons settings people use in the game?

I use x2 enlargement, I use unit bases on about 3/4 of the time, I turn off my flags after knowing where they are, I turn off terrain locations (descriptions) after knowing them, I use show movement paths and targets about 1/8 of the time (the movement path one is wonderful though).

I can't think of any others I mess with, using the default settings.

I have the gamma turned up all the way. My monitor is dark and i can control gamma through my video card. I was wondering if the final version will let us turn the gamma brighter than the demo will? Or will there be a place in the "preference file" to edit it to a higher value?

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I, too, was wondering if there was some way to raise the gamma. Two or three notches would probably be sufficient.

If not, I imagine I can get used to it. It's just that I grew accustomed to the Beta demo using my rather high gamma setting.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I tend to leave everything on, labels, movement & firing lines, victory flags.

I don't use unit bases much at all. I use realistic scaling. But I usually play with trees toggled off or just sparse coverage. I know, you don't get that aspect of immersion effect by not having the trees on, but it's more of a sight thing.

Since my card can handle the smoke and buildings just fine, I don't need to bother with those settings.

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Realistic unit size

Vehicles: On

Objective Flags: Off

Trees: On either full or moderate

Bases: Off

Smoke: Full(which is actually the non-transparent smoke on my Banshee card frown.gif

Buildings transparent: Off (darn Banshee again)

Sounds: Full

Camera shake: On

Location labels: Off

Running in 1024X768 16bit color

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I've tried using realistic scale, just found it to be too small. I like seeing the tanks and men.

I use the 1024 x 768 setting too, it's great. The smoke is good (transparent), but the transparent buildings are so-so, so you're not missing a lot. It can be hard to see the men in them and hard to see out of when at ground level from the men's point of view.

I leave the fire and smoke on. I only turn the trees off on a few occasions, like a heavy forest fight (Chance encounter). hehe, turned em off my last game to see all the German dead. Otherwise, they're just too pretty to turn off.. I have em on the medium (3rd?) setting. That is usually when I turn the bases on, to see the men better while in the trees.

Another thing I've been doing a lot lately is getting down to the ground level at my unit, mostly tanks, that I want to move up. I then use the arrow keys to "walk" or move fowards, scouting out the terrain they will be moving to, to see what the LOS will be. Works fairly well and a side effect is it gives me a "you are there" type of feel.

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My favorite view is one and two (eye level and one above that) I only go further out on some movements or to get an overall view. I prefer the feeling of being there even if I sacrafice some vision, I feel that adds to the FOW and confusion to be found on a real battle field. I'm glad BTS has chosen to offer us a wide variety of views so we are never stuck into one.

After seeing the latest screen shots on CMHQ of the building destruction, I wonder If that is the high quality smoke? If it is then that is what I'm seeing on mine. Buildings aren't a big deal to me as long as I can see who is in there and see out it works fine smile.gif

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