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Guest Germanboy

GTP, for all the reasons outlined above



It is amazing what you can learn from a good book...

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Thanks to all of you here for posting your comments. The issue has been debated across multiple topics in various forms before. This I know. There have been several issues that have come up in the game where BTS' answer was something to the effect that certain things were done in the game in order to keep players from doing something "Gamey".

Now, I understand "gamey" to mean a tactic employed by the desktop commander which would NOT have been attempted in "real life" (sending tank crews armed with pistols out as a fighting force for example). Hence, BTS made it so that an infantry symbol would always show "Crew" regardless of where a like crew was on the battlefield. This was done to keep players from doing that.

Now, I would argue that IF you as a player wanted to send your tank crew out on a suicide mission or one intended to draw fire then the game oughta punish you in not only point loss, but in not having that crew around for a subsequent battle. But it should not tell your opponent that it is just a crew. Now, as I understand it, the former is done (save the constant labelling of "crew" given to this type of squad).

Crews for guns and mortars are also broadcasted in the fashion well after they desert their primary weapon(s).

When it comes to guns, CM will not allow you to "Uncrew" a gun for any reason. Again, gamey tactic prevention. My point was simply, give me the option of doing that if I decide it is necessary - like hiding until a bombardment is over.

Please don't combine this with the whole notion that the game itself isn't realistic therefore this discussion is a moot point. That misses the point. Moreover, I want CM yesterday like all of us. What goes on in this topic will not delay that from happening. What it might do is cause some conversation and thus be considered as a patch or as a selectable option within CM2.

Charles and Steve, you guys are heroes in my book for bringing us a splendid game. Thanks for CM and for a forum to talk about it.

Everyone else, feel free to continue throwing in your two cents.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-01-2000).]

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