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Crack Tiger driver?...i think they must be ON crack

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I'm playin Village bocage...30m away 3 times now in different areas of the map...Crack tiger vs reg firefly, no terrain advantage, flat...all 3 tigers dead cuzza missed shots...don't bother buying vet or higher......seems to not make a diff. Guess it happens tho....but superior tank, with nearly the best crews in the game getting their asses kicked by regular guys?...too often IMHO frown.gif

other stats in game...

56% first shot kills by allies with almost all reg troops

32% first shot kills by axis with vet or better, attempting hull down etc


ps..don't mind me..i'm just pissed

[This message has been edited by Fox (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Yea my vet tigers would often take two shots to hit and the GREEN british tankers were hitting with the first shot. I even got hit by the 95mm churchill from his first shot after I missed.

I feel your pain.

[This message has been edited by Dittohead (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Note to self...

Fox is actually beefing about he fact that those highly accurate german Zeiss tank gunnery optics are not modeled in the German tank target acqusition and "chance to hit" algorythyms in CM


-tom w


[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Keep in mind that optics quality will be ranked pretty low in importance for engagements under 300 meters or so when using high velocity guns...200 or less for pretty much all AT shots fired. At these ranges all that is required is to lay the reticle centermass, maybe a bit above. Shot drop will be insignificant. At these point blank ranges who-sees-who first, rof, turret rotation speed, and crew state/skill are going to be the deciding factors in determining who gets steel-on-steel first (in that order I would think).

From what i've seen the german high velocity guns do have an advantage starting at 900 or so meters extending out to 1400 or so, beyond which everyone starts to miss regularly and use up way too much ammo for next to no hits. Optics and associated ranging devices and methodology become an important factor at these longer ranges. However from what i'm hearing velocity is the primary accuracy influence in cm (behind skill of course) and optics differences aren't directly modeled.


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The fact that German crack tank crews miss against more inexperienced crews has concerned me too. I am very willing to accept the notion that sometimes rare events do occur. (i.g. a green Stuart tank defeats 3 veteran or crack panther tanks). Thats how legends are born and things like that happen.

But, I think the real question here is whether those sorts of occurrences are too common as a whole. If they are, then perhaps there is something in the game that needs tweaking, which I am all for. Adversely, just because a rare sequence of events takes place, that isn't call for a repair of the game's engine.

I would say that in looking at the whole, that is, playing the game since day 1 and engaging in scores of tank duels, I'm of the opinion that crew quality needs to be adjusted to allow for more experienced crews to not only have increased accuracy, but a better rate of fire, and better selection of not only which target to shoot at but what part of the tank they are aiming for. Thus a crack light tank crew might aim for a spot on a larger tank that gives it its best location to kill.

Perhaps all of this is already factored into the game by BTS. They have done an outstanding job to date...virtually unequaled in the gaming industry.

Just because German guns are more powerful, does not mean that is all the advantage they had nor is it all the advantage they are going to get in this game.

My two cents.

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