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St. Athan

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I realize that there are now tons of scenarios out there but I put a lot of work into this operation called St.Athan which is a fictional meeting engagement that happens just prior to Operation Goodwood. Would anyone like to try it, or has anyone tried it as it is on CMHQ? I have it for download at the link provided below if you are interested.

Keep in mind that I am just about to totally redo the map and tweak the forces. I'd appreciate anyones input. I am playing it with a PBEM partner right now and it's fun and lots of action however additions to the already existing terrain would be make it better I believe.



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I guess you've probably designed this primarily for PBEM games, but I've played the first few battles of this operation as the Brits against the AI. I really like the map and it has a lot of interesting features. I also like the balance of forces because I enjoy having a variety of units at my disposal.

My only negative comment is that I'd much prefer to play it as a single 50-70 turn scenario than an operation. I find the semi-random placement of units between battles in most operations an irritating feature of an otherwise brilliant game. Mainly because restablishing the identity of your units and then repositioning them can be quite tedious if you have a lot of units.

For this reason I generally much prefer to download user-designed scenarios than operations.

Your efforts are much appreciated, however.

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Thanks for the input guys and trying my operation. SteveS, the most frustrating part that I see in making a Operation in Combat Mission is the next days "No Man's Land." I set it in this operation to be 80m, the lowest, assuming that the next battle you would hold almost all the territory you took, but this still isn't so.

Bigmac (my PBEM friend) and I are playing this operation (playtesting) and I like it but the "No mans land pushed him way back the second battle. He's Allie and I am Axis Attacker, is it because I'm the attacker that he was pushed back because set at 80m he was pushed back about 500m instead?

Some input on this would be appreciated, if another scenario designer comes by I'd love some input on this as well.

CMHQ gave the operation a 3 star rating, I'm not happy with this, however I think it's fair. Currently I am redesigning the operation and considering SteveS's suggestion as per operation vs battle. However I do like the different parts of the day (i.e battle starts at night) that can't be modeled with a battle but can with a operation.

Oh and another note, I will be re-doing the units as I believe it would be wiser to have the Allies with more artillery. I do however like the Axis with what they have now, even though it's a bit heavy. The 210mm rockets are nasty and the inaccuracy of them make it interesting when you do a strike with them.

By the way guys, my stupid website is down, not my fault, my provider sucks, it'll be up later today I guess.


Visit my website (When it comes back online.)

Dogs of War http://persweb.direct.ca/johnncom/

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Heya Johnno!

I'm halfway through the second battle, And I like it. I like the map, I like the forces. What I don't like is that the new processor I bought today doesn't work, so I still have to wait too long for turn resolution. Regretfully I can't blame you for that. wink.gif

There's one thing that's bothering me though: I'm playing Axis, and by now I'm really (I mean REALLY) hurting those Brits. I'm still a long way from battle ten. And I wouldn't be surprised if this'll be over long before that, cos of all that Heavy Duty German hardware. Then again, anything can happen in this game.

Thanks, I'm enjoying it! smile.gif


Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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Sorry for the multiple posts earlier, I did not do it on purpose and it wasn't also to bump up the topic.

I actually feel quite foolish about it and apologize.

Thanks also for the response JuJu. I have played both sides and won but is defiantely harder with the Brit's I think once I fine tune the forces, adding more artillery to Brits and more infantry for the germans it will be hust right. I'm also going to extend the river and ad more to the British side of the river for size and cover.


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