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Ratings at Scenario Depot are totally useless

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Well, I have now come to the verified conclusion that the ratings at the Scenario Depot are totally useless and there's a problem with it as well.

Here's why:

I had 5 differenet people send me e-mails telling me they thought "Fireman's Brigade" was fun, unique and they gave it a good score (5 stars). I had these on the first two days it was officially posted.

At that point the rating was a 4 (with only 5 ratings posted). This alone made no sense, unless the people who e-mailed me lied and only gave it 4's (which I highly doubt). So I rated it myself - giving it a 5 - (as I felt I could add my opinion ONCE), and the rating dropped to 3 stars!!!!!!!!!!

Now, the rating is at 2 stars, and is far better than at least 1/2 the scenarios on that board. Certainly better than my other two scenarios posted that still have a "3"...

So, my advice to you is ignore the ratings, they are seriously flawed.

One exception: You MUST download all of Wild Bill's scenario's. They are the best.

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Oh my goodness. Daveman!!!!!! I guess you should have known I would comment on something like this :)

Actually there is a bug in their javascript or whatever html they use to generate the ratings. Plus it irks me I have a scenario I spent a lot of time to make challenging, extremely interesting, and different, and it shows a rating of "2".

I actually thought about it, but is is soooo much work. I feel guilty every day because I have not kept up my AoW site better.

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Guest Rommel22

Well, if you got something to say to the author just e-mail them. I just think it's polite. If you download a scnerio from anyone, I just think it's polite to tell the maker of the scnerio how the scenerio is. I do that now. Anytime I play a scnerio and get done with it (user made) I let the creater know what I think. I think all us should do the same.

Atleast thats my opnion.


From the Das Reich book as said by a German soldier

"when the Russians reached us, we opened fire, the first wave had no weapons.

The second wave didn't either (fire fodder). The 3rd and 4th had weapons and opened fire on us.

By this time we were low on ammo, but we drove them back."

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Rommel32, will you try Fireman's Brigade and let me know what you think?

I spent so much time on it, and had good feedback, but I'd also like to see what another scenario designer thinks of it. If you try it, read everything, and keep in mind it is of course fictional. My main purpose was for something totally unique.

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Guest Rommel22

First of all it's Rommel22.

And yes I'll give it go, I'll tell you what I think. In the mean time try my scnerio and tell me what you think.

There is two of them.

A nice day in the mansion.


Try them.


From the Das Reich book as said by a German soldier

"when the Russians reached us, we opened fire, the first wave had no weapons.

The second wave didn't either (fire fodder). The 3rd and 4th had weapons and opened fire on us.

By this time we were low on ammo, but we drove them back."

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I agree with you JPinard. The stars and ratings really mean nothing. I would not use them as a basis for choosing a scenario to play.

The system was designed for another series of game and does not work well at all with either SP or CM.

But we live with it. Just don't be fooled by it.

And thank you VERY much for the kind words about my work. It is much appreciated and a real incentive to try harder. Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Well, we had this discussion way back when CM first came out. Now that more people have had some time to digest some things, maybe now is a good time to bring this back up.

First off, anything by WBW is a must play scenario. No questions asked, ratings be damned. If it's by Wild Bill and/or recommended by him, just play it.

After that though and you have to maximize your CM playing time. The only way to do that well is to get more detailed in the ratings. Since I've been giving it some thought, my suggestion is to develop a multi-question survey form for each scenario. The questions can be along the lines of (rating range in parens):

1. Historical accuracy (1-10)

2. Axis fun factor (1-10)

3. Allied fun factor(1-10)

4. Axis AI (1-10)

5. Allied AI (1-10)

6. PBEM fun factor (1-10)

In addition, we still need to indicate whether it's a ME, Assault, Attack, or Probe. We still need to indicate the size of map and number of units and number of turns. Maybe there are better things to rate each scenario on and that's fine. The key though is to be able to sort in order of your preference. For example, say you want the best PBEM game, then you sort on the PBEM ratings. Maybe you want a challenge for playing against the Allies, sort on Allied AI or Axis fun factor. You get the idea maybe? It's a lot more work, but if you want something better than what's available now, then it's gonna take more work. I mean, the number of scenarios available is astounding.

BTW, I have downloaded Fireman's Brigade just haven't had time to play it. frown.gif


Jeff Abbott

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