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I dearly hope that you are right. I have no idea about computer game sales, but BTS have stated that they are aware that the 'internet only' sales practice will limit sales, if only temporarily.

However, I am in full agreement that CM deserves the title of "Greatest Wargame Ever".

All of us need to get the word out to anybody who might listen. Hey, even tell the mailman who delivers the package to you what it is. If you're felling particularly generous - give it too him and order a second one for yourself smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software

I don't know the eact figures but it's safe to say that C&C outsold CC many times over. Then again, I don't think I'd classify C&C as a wargame. I think C&C sold a million or more copies. Something crazy.

It's unlikely that we'll beat that with CM! But we'd be very happy even with a tiny fraction of a million sales. smile.gif

Thanks for spreading the word!


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I bought C&C i'm ashamed to say. I think at the time i must have got caught up in all the hype and bull**** that surrounded it's release.

I agree Charles it definitely wasn't a wargame (tactics?..what tactics!), but i guess marketing and advertising often accounts for a games success more than the actually quality of the game itself. BTS is like taking a very deep breath of fresh air in that respect.


COMBAT MISSIONS- The Source For CM Ops & Scenario's


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I'd be interested to see a list of best-selling wargames myself. Unfortunately, the best data I've been able to find is:

The top-selling "strategy" titles of 1999 were:

4. Microsoft Age Of Empires II: Age of Kings

5. Starcraft

7. Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun

14. Starcraft Expansion: Brood Wars

For 1998:

1. Starcraft

10. Microsoft Age of Empires

And for 1997:

8. Command & Conquer Red Alert

15. Warcraft Battle Chest

Sorry, there just wasn't any data for real wargames. This data is

from http://www.pcdata.com/hitslists/ - the only source I've been able to find so far.


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I agree that CM will be huge. It will be the only computer game I have played twice, I have already played the Demo scenarios more than I would like to admit in public.(Got to keep an eye out for the men in white coats!)If something it the best, the very best, by a mile, then even in niche markets numbers can climb.Because all my close friends, and their children, know I am into military history I have often been asked if there are any "realistic" war games and the answer has always been "no". Not any more! and there is a hunger for them.

Over time numbers will climb and climb.

All the best,


Games that in their later versions may have made the grade ,but did not, are the Talonsoft platoon scale games and Close Combat. Sad about Close Combat but I could not careless now I know CM has turned out to be so stunning!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx:

I predict that the CM Series will go on to become the biggest selling wargame of all time!. I'm not sure what war based game holds that record at the moment, but it will be beaten!!


It looks like all you young'uns have forgotten about the classics we old farts grew up with: Afrika Korps, Blitzkrieg, D-Day, Battle of The Bulge, Stalingrad, Waterloo, Russian Front, Guadalcanal, Midway, Squad Leader (and Cross of Iron, Crescendo of Doom, GI:Anvil of Victory), Patton's Best, Fortress Europa, Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, 1776, Richthofen's War, Highway to The Reich, and others. When I contrast those (usually played solitaire) to Combat Mission (or even other excellent computer-based wargames, including Talonsoft's East Front, West Front, and Rising Sun), it is incredible how any of us remained wargamers all those dark non-electronic years!

P.S. If anyone wants to buy my "paper and cardboard" wargame collection (mostly listed above), please let me know! I could use the reclaimed closet space.

der Bob

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