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Operations Conundrum

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Question to Powers that Be:

During a recent PBEM game of Mortain operation, the "game" ended at the end of battle 4, basically ignoring the last two battles.

My email partner and I were a bit perplexed, since I was the American attacker and had suffered heavy casualties, yet was given a tactical victory, all without playing the last two battles.

Since the ops scenario called for several more replacements in battles 4 and 5 (the two we did not get chance to play), and which could have shifted the final point count, we wondered what happend?

The German player had elected to use a defense in depth, sacrificing ground but causing extreme casualties on my side.

As near as we can figure it, he must have sacrificed too much ground, since I guess I accomplished the objective (ie, moved far enough towards Mortain, that AI said,

"ok Americans, you've won".

Can anyone who played this operation comment, or provide general guidance as to how the game engine "scores" an operation?

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Peng and I played that operation with me as the Americans. I got so slaughtered in the first battle I surrendered after the second.

Another operation we did I was on the defense and although I took and caused a great deal of causlties I held my position. The operation ended after that first battle (with me losing).

So the answer to your question is if the AI feels one side has lost too much ground or too many units to continue an effective attack/defense it will end an operation.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Elvis is a fraud and a liar. He should be hanged by the neck until he stops lying. This is what really happened:

Elvis and I played that operation with him as the Americans. He got so slaughtered in the first battle he surrendered after the second.

Another operation we did he was on the defense and although he took and caused a great deal of causlties he held his position. The operation ended after that first battle (with him losing).

THAT'S what really happened. So, what we have here is a failure to communicate, a breach of trust, boldfaced lies, insinuation, innuendo and even insinuenndo! The fact that Elvis was able to survive the first battle in the fist op we did is glaring evidence of an obvious bug that should be corrected immediately. Elvis is my little CM death-toy whom I kill when it pleses me. Bugs in the code should not enable him to survive additional turns or scenarios. Fix it.


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I ran into that problem myself, except we never got past the second game.

In the first, I (as the amis) was hammered hard, losing half my vehicles and only making it half way across the map.

In the second my opponent withdrew his troops off the map after losing some units which left him somewhat outgunned. His intention was to regroup and await me on the third map, but the game ended as soon as the last German unit exited, giving me a total vic.

My guess is that the German player is only allowed to yield a certain portion of the map with each battle, anything past that is considered an allied vic.

Your best bet is to e-mail the scenario author and see if he encountered the same problems.


Charlie don't surf!

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Any unit that exits the map in an operation NEVER returns... its in the manual guys...

and some operations require you to advance either the entire map or some % of the map fx70%... the other type is destroy wich means the attacker must not recieve more than a certain number of casualties in comparrison to the defender. fx a 10 to one ratio woul mean you could lose 10 times more than him... but once you have advanced the distance (advance/assault) or recieved too many casualties (destroy) the game is over... no matter what turn youre in...


Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.

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