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O/T Canadiens LOL

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Guest Germanboy

Ah, I love this ad -what was that again, a Canadian is an unarmed US-citizen with health insurance wink.gif? And he's lying, I have heard at least one Canadian pronouncing it 'aboot'. South Park was right after all.



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I watched this the other day it came in my clan email I thought it was great _ I can't understand the attitudes on that board between the US and Canada. I have met people online from both places and others that are some of the nicest people I know smile.gif

That kinda argument portrayed on that BBS is absolute BS IMHO

CANADA is cool - US is cool; there are more important things to worry about smile.gif

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

When I shared a house with my buddy, one of our classmate's family lived behind us and my classmate had married a Canadian girl. I just loathed the way she said 'sorry'. In Canadian lingo it's, 'sore'-'ey', instead of 'sorry'

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As far as I'm concerned, accents are more diverse within the States itself than US versus Canada. There's no confusing a South Carolina accent for a Washington state one.

Actually the accents in the movie FARGO reminded me of rural Ontario ones. Quirky and extremely laid back.

In Canada, the Newfoundland accent has to be the best though. Like Irish on mescalin. Its quite suitable for the group often considered the nicest and funniest in Canada. Oh, and no, I'm not one of them. Being from Toronto, I'm probably closer to 'American sounding' than anyone.

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Do we Washington staters have an accent? I thought we all spoke perfect "Brokaw-ese?

I sometimes feel we are all considered a little "out-of-the-mainstream" up here by the rest of the country.

I love Canada. At least the west coast. I often wish the Canadian and US West coast states/terratories would break off and form our own country. Except for So. Cal. We could give that back to the Mexicans. They pretty much own it anyhow. I have a lot more in common with the folks from B.C. than I do with people up in the US Northeast. Those folks are weird...

My girlfriend is Canadian. They make better hotdogs. I do think that the "wet" coast microbrews are still better beers though, or at least on par. And last I heard, the Cannucks were using the Leopard II, which is a pretty cool tank in it's own right. Looks cooler than the M1 IMHO.

I ramble...again...as usual...


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Guest Zulu1

Last I saw, they were still Leopard I's. At Stampede time in Calgary, the Armed Forces have a cool display. They have a Leopard I which you can climb into, plus APC's and a TOW simulator, and various weapons that you can pick up and handle.

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Possibly that information came from TacOps. For some reason I never bothered to ask about, the Major stuck Leopard 2s as an option into the Canadian Orbat. We generally used them to represent Dutch or German tanks in CPXs though.


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What accent are you talking about you hosers? I have lived in just about every part of Ontario, the North, South, South Central and Toronto. Man, those hicks in southern Ontario are just as freaky as those I saw while travelling though Virginia. I swear, the death rate in these small Ontario towns is much higher than Toronto, mostly due to glue sniffing and gun accidents.

Germanboy, you still in Canada or have you returned home yet, eh?

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Whadd'ya mean Newfoundlanders sound like Irish on mescalin!! We don't talk funny....all you Mainlanders do!! And here I'm stuck right in the middle of a whole city of them (Toronto!!)!! Oh woe is me !! ;)

Apparently we still have the Leo1's last I heard. They are supposed to get an upgrade soon tho. Read something interesting about the gulf war...The US offered to sell us the M1 at VERY reduced prices if we would join the coalition. Idiots in Ottawa said no. Can you believe that!! I'll find the book and give you the exact quote.

Here's a quote from a friend of mine who is (and soon to be was) in the forces.

"The Cdn military have done so much with so little for so long we are now qualified to do anything with nothing!!"

And if you know the Cdn forces, you know it's true.


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hawkmoon:

Apparently we still have the Leo1's last I heard. They are supposed to get an upgrade soon tho. Read something interesting about the gulf war...The US offered to sell us the M1 at VERY reduced prices if we would join the coalition. Idiots in Ottawa said no. Can you believe that!! I'll find the book and give you the exact quote.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well you should've known. wink.gif Canadians don't do anything or care about anything globally that doesn't affect them directly. confused.gif

The whole world could be on the brink of nuclear destruction and if there wasn't a Canadian city targeted then the Canadians wouldn't have cared one ioda. I know, I've heard it from a horse's mouth itself. The fact of the matter is that Canadians are sooo laid back that if something doesn't interfere with their tea time, then they could care less. AGAIN, I've heard it from a Canadian in his own flesh.


"I am not interested in the names of your fathers...nor of your family's lineage. What I am interested in...is your breaking point!"--Gen. Chang

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Guest Zulu1

Tea!!! We don't drink no stinking tea!!! Beer is the beverage of choice around here (Western Canada).

Big Rock is velly velly good (local brewery) . I tried Fin du Monde a while back (from Quebec). Its great with a sort of honey taste, mmm smooth too. smile.gif

The only tea time you'll find is in Victoria, B.C.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

Germanboy, you still in Canada or have you returned home yet, eh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately I had to return to England, the land of, oh-I'm-not-gonna-say-what-I-think-because-I-would-become-even-more-unpopular... Suffice to say that my students (I am a halls tutor at my university, with 69 1st year students, mostly English) hate it when I remind them that we beat them squarely twice, the Americans had to haul their asses out of a tight corner each time and now we and the Japanese are owning their last remaining industrial assets smile.gif

And I can rant like that even without having had a Fin Du Monde, great beer that is!

(Disclaimer - the above is utterly tasteless trash and should therefore not have been read by anyone :D )



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OB&G, your friend is sorrily mistaken.

It is a common trait in Canada to be modest. We don't go about spouting how good we are all the time, or how much better our society is than others, (like many other societies do). This modesty goes to the extreme (except when it comes to our beer and hockey). We look at our military and see 5 guys with slingshots, when, in reality we have 80 000 men and women in our regular armed forces, during peactime. We have 12 of the most up to date Frigates, better than most American vessels (these should actually be classified as large Destroyers). Our air force and land force is in need of upgrading. And this will be accomplished most probably by getting the best equipment out there, usually home produced. When you hear a Canadian talk about our nation you won't hear that we are the best, or, we kick ass, but rather we will spout our faults.

Just to put things in perspective...

Canada has been involved in more international events that have NOTHING to do with internal policy than most nations of the world. Egypt and the UN was saved by Canada's ambassador to the UN in 1956 when Isreal, France and England invaded. Lester Pearson managed to save the UN from dissolving because of French, British and Isreali aggression (ie. taking back the newly nationalized Suez Canal). We were one of the nations that helped push the US into action in Kosovo. We participated in Somalia. We went to war in WWII without being directly involved (ie. no Pearl Harbor), we felt we had a moral obligation to stop Hitler. Now, if this is considered to be just a selfish nation acting in it's own interest than I don't know of what isn't.

Was the crack about Canada not doing anything if it is not in our intrest sarcasm? It sure seems like it. Canada has been involved in every UN operation, we also have paid ALL of our dues. We don't invade other countries, support fascist coups or place embargos on nations that don't fit our views of politics (South Africa is an exception though!). We take action when the situation calls for it, not just out of economics like many other nations... Although I do remember a recent fishing war with Spain... :)

For 50 years Canada was the only nation not to have nuclear arms even though we were fully capable of independently producing them. This is something that I, and most Canadians are proud of.

Possibly the reason we refused the M1's was because we were going to develop and produce our own tank. This would be much more economical in the long run, paying Canadians to produce weapons for the Canadian military instead of giving cash to the States. So what if they aren't top of the line like the M1, we don't REALLY need it.

OB&G, I could hear the EXACT same story from Americans that I know (about America). This doesn't make it true.

PS. I wouldn't like this thread to be closed down, as, nobody has gotten mouthy, and I don't think that we will. Not every political discussion has to go that way!

I have to say that my beer of choice, is "Labbat 50". The beer of the ages. I also like Tennants. My roomate, for some unknown reason, likes "Guinness" (SP?)

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I am Canadian. But I live in San Diego, California.


1) Much better weather.

2) Much lower taxes. (Specially when me and my wife both started to work as engineers)

Healt insurance? Paid by my company.

Armed? You bet ya. As soon as I got to San Diego and listen to their "one murder a day" news reports I got 9mm.

Never wanted to own gun in Canada.

I really loved living in Canada. But in US I can make way more money. If I would be sick and did have a usefull degree I would rather live in Canada.

As for US/Canada - let them both live in peace. US citizens remember you are safe in Canada.

Pamela Anderson and Tom Cruise are Canadians...

Armed Canadian.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

LOL, is it me or is it that the single most important thing in Canada is BEER? rolleyes.gif

I'm sure glad I'm not driving up there. tongue.gif

OK, let's talk about economics. So the government of Canada pays for medical care, so you think it's free? You're all paying for it through highly inflated prices and/or taxes on everything else! Isn't Socialism great?


So what's the price of a liter of gasoline there now? Now times that by 3 point something and that's what it would be per gallon. Gasoline locally here is currently, cause it dropped today by about a dime, $1.44/gal.

And what's this I hear about the Canadian government paying every family a $100 per month per child. Sounds like an excuse to be lazy to me. AGAIN, words from my old Canadian ex-neighbor when in fact she was (lazy).

And isn't it true that most retired folks from Canada move to the States because they can't afford to live there due to the high inflated prices and taxes?

Just as 'killmore' suggested, aren't I right?

Of course, trying not to be too mouthy. wink.gif Just reporting the facts as once heard from a true source.

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Well, you could look at it very simply and generally like that... That high taxes are causing people to live in abject poverty... (Sorry for the embelishment!), but, I would much rather live in a nation with a social conscience, like Canada, than one that is very detatched, like the States. I am not saying that the States is bad because of this.

Now, you could look at the high taxes as a burden to us Canadians, but, really, what would the average person do with the extra money? Buy luxury items. My paren'ts both work, before taxes they get around $90 000, after taxes it is around $50-60 000. Higher education is much more heavily subsidized in Canada than it is in the States. This results in more people having the ability to attain higher education. Indeed, they get less per dollar, but, they have to spend less as well. (Health Care, Education, etc.)

Lazyness? I wouldn't think so. North Americans are the most lazy people in the world. Canadians are no more lazy than Americans (vice versa). Welfare rates are the same, unemployment rates also. I don't really see any facts being shown, just heresay from your neighbour. You can't determine what a nation is like purely due to one individuals rantings (even mine!)

I can understand how the lure of American riches can be tempting, for someone with a good education... Canadians go to the States for their job, that they got through our good and affordable education system. Sure, 1 in 1 000 000 rise from rags to riches, but, you are vitually guaranteed a comfortable life in Canada. What's the poverty leven in the States? Pretty high, eh? Isn't capitalism great!?

As paraphrased from the television show West Wing "The reson taxes are so high is that the average person is irrisponsible in delegating how it properly sould be spent". Personally, I don't believe pure Socialism works, same with Communism. But, I also don't believe that pure Capitalism works. It just makes the rich and already successful more so. Canada isn't a Socilist nation, we are very conservative when you compare us to the rest of the Western World. However, when you compare us to the States we are MORE socialist than capitalist. It is a socialist-capitalist mix, and it works pretty well.

On elderly people moving south... well... that could be due to health reasons (better climate), or, that it is like a GAP commercial, "be like everyone else and go south!". Most of the elderly people I have known (neighbours, relatives, etc.) stay in Canada after they retire. (not to say nobody goes south). Sure, some people go to cheap places to live, like the States, and the West Indies, but, many people can have a comfortable life (economically wize) if you live in Canada. Plus, when the time comes many elderly people will end up in hospitals, or nursing homes. There goes their retirment funds in America!

You must remember, that in Canada the average wage is higher (Larger Middle Class). So. even after taxes, the average Canadain takes home more disposable cash than an average American. This is why Canadians are the most wasteful peole in the world, it's cause we got so much stuff!

PS. that thing about the baby bonus is only applicable in Quebec, and is a Provincial thing. They were pissed off at all of the immigration "deluding" the pure Quebecois and wanted an incentive for French-Canadians to give birth. I get really freaked out seeing the blatant racism comming from many top leaders of that Province. Kind of like the ol' South.

PPS. Another good thing is we have the Metric system!

PPPS. Nobody ever said that we were driving after drinking, at least not in cars, possibly snowmobiles to get around from Igloo party to Igloo party :)

PPPPS. Canada is going through a Conservative phase right now, many things are being cut, and the effects are being felt. Higher education is being cut so badly for example... 15 000 people have applied to teachers college in Ontario. There are around 4000 spots. There is a HIGH demand for teachers, yet, the Provincial Goverment refuses to put money toward enlarging the teacher colleges. So, we are going to have a teacher shortage soon. Hostpitals are now being closed and patients are being turned away. There are multiple lay offs and everyone is going on strike. All thanks to capitalism.

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I have two things to say on this thread:

1) I have a job interview with Molson's next week (NYAH NYAH!)

2) I have been hoping all my life that the Americans and Canadians would merge their Federal systems, but alas, I'm afraid at age 37 I won't see it any time soon that would do me any good.

Just my Canadian $0.03

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

Of course, trying not to be too mouthy. wink.gif Just reporting the facts as once heard from a true source.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I too am not trying to be mouthy, but i don't think the opinions of an old, lazy, ex-neighbor who happended to be Canadian constitutes fact.

P.S. I live in S. Florida, a long ways away from the "Great white north"

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