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The Hell of Waiting...

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Monday at noon, EDT...(US)...

The suspense is killing me...but I will see this next client and try to concentrate on work.

One PM....

To HELL WITH IT !!! Billible hours??? Who cares??? Clients??? There are lots more where these came from....gotta get outta this meeting and head home...

13:30 hrs...

Tell staff I am leaving for the afternoon, number two will take my appointments...have sec'y cancel my dinner engagement so I will have time to play CM tonite...head for home...

14:00 hrs...Arrive at home, change clothes, turn on computer...get everything ready for

installation and operation....

14:10..look out window at front...nothing...

14:11..listen for sound of outer courtyard doors opening as mailman arrives...no sound other than usual street noise...

14:12...look out window again...nada.

14:15...got to kitchen to make snack...look out kitchen windows as I eat snack...do not leave my perch...

14:30...finish snack...(beginning to feel stupid about this)

14:40...back to the top floor, wander aound the room with stops at the front windows like a dog walking in circles. Decide that I/we are too Pavlovian.

14:50...what was that?? Was it the outer doors?? DAMN!! it WAS...RUN to the hall, down three flights of stairs, stumbling and tripping and knocking a work project that was near the landing on a table off and scatter three weeks of work all over the place...(to hell with it!)...continue on to front door....Mail delivery individual has left...nothing thru the mail slot of consequence (Merrill-Lynch?? Manulife Financial?? Who gives a damn?!)...bang open the doors...look for package...NADA!!!...turn on outside light...(cloudy day, I might have missed it)...NADA!!!...run to outer courtyard doors and throw them open with reckless abandon...(sweating now, heart beating like a kid on his first date)...maybe the mail idiot is new and didn't put the package inside the outer doors...rush onto the sidewalk...knock over an old women in a wheelchair..."Out of my way"...I screech...I look furtively for my package...it isn't there...I interrogate the now pleading woman..."Did you take my package?" I bellow...she pleads for her life...I allow her too live.

15:00 Return, with massive dejection to top floor...check Cm site and find that other's in the Washington, D.C. metro area HAVE rec'd Cm already...breifly contemplate killing them...decide that they may live.

15:30...call the postmaster for my area...(luckily, we are friends)...leave message that I have a missing package...

15:30 to now...await word on the PO search for my package....(beginning to feel like a junkie must feel)

(Cursing the darkness and lighting candles.)

[This message has been edited by ARCHANGEL (edited 06-19-2000).]

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And the weird part is that I just got a game that shows a great deal of promise. Got Shogun as a fathers day present and played a bit with it, looks very good, looks like the sort of game that would have had me turning handsprings ... before CM. Now, it's just another thing I can do while I'm waiting.



Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

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Project coming to close, just supporting test. Eat lunch. Maybe.... Jump in car and drive 12 miles home. Damn, no package. Go in and play VoT for half an hour. No package. Drive 12 miles back to work, where I should be. Maybe later this afternoon... Looking at clock at work, 4:10pm. Maybe another 12 mile trip home is warranted?

I'm totally worthless at work. A true sign of a CM addiction. Never had it this bad before. I've got to see one of those Pz-IVE's in action!

Its now 4:15pm. Wonder if it will be there if I drive those 12 miles back now? I hope this doesn't last too long.....

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