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Tank-AT Duel with House in Between

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In Scenario _________ I had a Sherman which was suddenly engaged by a light gun. The LOS from the gun to my Sherman went right through a house. The shells kept hitting the Sherman and not hurting it luckily. When my Sherman tried to return fire, the shells would explode on the house! Finally, after hitting the house a number of times, it blew up, and the Sherman was then able to hit and knock out the gun. Occurred over the course of two turns. Neither the Sherman nor the gun were very close to the house, both at least 100m away from it.

Any ideas?


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Guest Pillar

If it was right at the corner of the house, then it means the LG had better aim and was zipping the shells right past the edge. Your sherman was slightly off and instead hit the building.

OTOH, if it was straight through the middle of the house, on rare occasions shells can go right through them. This is to simulate windows on each side, broken walls, etc. However, it's rare that this would happen over and over again.

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"The LOS from the gun to my Sherman went right through a house."

I've encountered a similar situation where, at the start of a turn, I found that the TacAI had set some of my foot troops to fire at a target right through a building. I figured, like Pillar above, that they must have a glimpse through windows or holes on each side.

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Los, changing visual size doesn't affect buildings, and it seems that LOS radiates from the mathematical center of a unit, so it's not affected by scale either, nor does the visual size of the target affect what is "visible". But, that was a good hypothesis.

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The LOS was going through one side of the house, not right at the middle, but not right at the edge.

Every shell from the gun hit my tank, and every shell from my tank hit the house.

The TAC-AI did the targeting.

I saved the files to send them to BTS for comment.


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This is just a guess, but was it a light house? If so, then with the AT gun firing AP ammo and the tank firing HE, it would make sense that the dense metal of the Armor Piercing shot would just go right through the house, while the HE from the tank would not.


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> I've encountered a similar situation

> where, at the start of a turn, I found

> that the TacAI had set some of my foot >troops to fire at a target right through a >building

I have a feeling that these are residual or leftover targets. Your unit was firing at something in the previous turn which moved to put a building between you and he at/near the end of the turn.

The target line appears to tell you that your unit is still paying attention to the out-of-LOS unit and waiting to see if he comes back, but I don't really think he'll be shooting through buildings at the beginning of the next turn to get him. Use the LOS tool, you'll probably find that they're out of LOS and can't be seen/shot at.


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I believe it was a light house (I'm not at home to check right now), so I might be able to accept the AP vs HE theory (assume that would also take away some of the 'punch' of the shot - must have hit me 10 times atleast, no damage).

I still question the LOS though. Maybe this is one of those cases where the graphics don't line up with the actual calculations.


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Guest Michael emrys

Could it have been that the German was firing a Light Infantry Gun (75mm howitzer)? If that's the case, there is a slim possibility that its shells were carrying over the house. It would also explain why he couldn't achieve a kill against you.

BTW, the LOS graphic does not represent the trajectory of fire. In fact, and it strikes me as strange, it may not even represent a true, straight line LOS, but is a line from firer to target that more or less follows the countours of the ground much like a travel path. A shortcoming of the graphics engine perhaps.


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I've had a connected problem. Hiding tanks behind houses and (visually) they are out of LOS with the enemy but the tank still takes fire (and gives it). I've heard that those tanks are visually there but in reality is a

little ways off or whatever. What's the solution? What's a good way of knowing that your tank is really able to hide behind a house, out of LOS with everyone?

BTW the opposing tank was on a higher plane of elavation.

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In a quick battle I had a Panther very carefully placed behind a light building so as not to be visible to a Sherman several hundred meters away. The panther was KO'd by the Sherman 30 seconds into the next action phase. He never knew what hit him. Careful examination from the Sherman's point of view during the playback revealed a portion of the Panther visible through two windows; one on the west wall, the other on the north wall. Right through the corner of the building! I didn't notice this until I zoomed in on the view all the way. The Panther was definitely invisible at zoom x1.

Needless to say, I am now very conscious of where my tanks are in relation to windows. The zoom key gets frequent use now too.


Smoker out.

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So, I reviewed the videos closely. The LOS went through the corner of the house, via a door and a window. Considering all the other terrain, I'm still amazed their was an LOS at all. Since the gun was shooting AP probably, it's shells went through whereas my HE fire exploded against the house.


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Another possibility - Maybe the line of site considers the fact that units take up an area and not just the center reference point ie dispersed infantry or just the side of tank . So if you could see any part of that area it figures you have LOS to it, just not a very good shot. But what do I know. Don't answer that.

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