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World War II Online

Guest Moiety

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Guest Moiety

Does anyone know much about "World War 2 Online" and how it compares to Combat Mission?

It looks interesting, although it's more a sim than a strategy game since everyone drives their own vehicle/plane/ship.

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Guest Pham

It does look interesting, but I'm not holding my breath for it. Most multiplayer games encourage cheating(esp. persistent world ones), and almost always fall apart and become every man for himself. Take "Tribes" for example. Good game, and was designed for team play, rather than individual action, but every game I've ever played has been 99% individual oriented. Usually there's no commander, and whenever someone takes over the position and attempts to issue orders from the main overview map, 99% of the people ignore the person alotogether and go for the highest frag score.

The one interesting thing about WWII Online that I'm waiting to see is how people submit missions and others join up(and if the mission works you can get promoted and do larger missions, I guess). If it works, it could be pretty cool, but in reality, it'll probably be a case of people signing up for thier buddies missions or just signing up for the cool sounding missions and then going ape **** on thier own and ruin it for the rest of the players.

The problem with most persistent world games is that the designers have a very clear idea of how the game should be played, code it specifically for that purpose, and then pointlessly attempt to patch it once they find that almost nobody is playing it the way they intended(i.e. Richard "Hire me Please 'Cause I used to be Lord British Origin" Garriot and his dream of a role playing, virtuous world which quickly became a tedious stat-raising-a-thon, PK plagued, bug exploited environment known as Ultima "I'm going to have Pham pay me to beta test the friggin thing" Online.)



Offical, certified poster of the 50,000th message. You can all stop posting now. I won.

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Guest Moiety

Well, I sure agree with you Pham. Every massive online multiplayer adventure always becomes an every man for himself type of deal. I still think there is some merit in the game however... just being able to partake in the environment really. As a pilot, I think it would be neat to fly the Stuka and ruin some Panzer's day... biggrin.gif

Bullethead, you may have a good point. I doubt WW2 Online will be able to boast the flight model and immersiveness of B17 2, the upcoming Flying Fortress Sim... (Drooling just thinking about it!). If it does, well, then the folks at ww2 online deserve a pat on the back... but it probably won't. wink.gif

Anyhow, thanks both of you for the input and warnings. I'll think twice before jumping into it with my monthly subscription money!

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Guest Pham

Just FYI;

The site has an application for a closed beta that will begin soon. It's only up for a couple more days(up until 5/26, I think).

There's also an open beta scheduled for later this year, which should at least give people a taste of if it sucks in a big way or not before paying to try it out.



Offical, certified poster of the 50,000th message. You can all stop posting now. I won.

(edited for incorrect word usage so OBG won't be mean to me...)

[This message has been edited by Pham (edited 05-24-2000).]

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I just jumped over to WWII Online and it looks damn pretty. However, I am curious to see how it all plays out. It'll take some serious wargamers to play the game properly. I don't think I can see that happening.

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Just my 2 cents worth. As an avid tribes player. The trick to having a lot of fun and getting a team game to run right... you need the "team". Thats the whole point of joining a tribe,clan,ect... Also helps if you find some good servers adults play on. If you get a steady group of guys, play at about the same time, the team games are great! If the other side is a bunch of frag happy kids.. Great! just easier to kill that way.


P.S. and always choose a woman skin, the are usually more agile and make smaller targets wink.gif



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Guest Moiety

Unfortunately I don't think you can pick and choose which "server" you join. It's just one big massive war. smile.gif

I still think it will be fun as a pilot shooting all those targets smile.gif

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For me multiplayer online games really aren't about how realistic the game is, it's about interacting with others. I don't think you'll ever find a multiplayer online game that is your ideal idea of a game. I've been playing a game called Chain of Command for a better part of the last two years, which is not what you would consider a "great" game, however when you add in the human element it's strangely addicting and very fun.

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Looks cool but I'm worried about the realism and expertise of the designers (I'm spoiled by BTS). For example, a quote from the page:

Corn's note: This one I built up, with a picture in my head of an allied

machine gun nest assaulting a german machine gun nest. A panzer tank

comes rolling up to help, fires a shot, the shot misses. Just shortly after

that, an allied plane comes swooping down, drops a bomb and kills the


What the heck is a panzer tank? Is that a tank squared? Talk about a rookie mistake!

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Guest Moiety

hehe, I've made that mistake before too.. Combat Mission actually is teaching me some stuff! biggrin.gif

Anyhow, the way I see it is this: It's just going to be like Warbirds or Aces High, however, you will have a multitude of human controlled ground targets to go for as well smile.gif

And yes, the Human interaction is a bonus. I played Chain of Command a bit too... Although at the time I was more interested in something more playable/accurate so I ditched it after a few days. 2AM is a great concept company, the way they give you "time" for clicking on banners and stuff is a really great way to provide the service. I wish all online games payed that way! wink.gif

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I have a little experience with the WW2O crew, during their WarBirds days.

Trust me, if the units in WW2O ar anthing like WB squadrons, you will see some damned effective cooperation.


Laurie Nyveen a.k.a. Webs, member of the WarBirds training staff


Editor, Netsurfer Digest - http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html

101 Sqn opus-in-progress - http://101.warbirds.org/

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Ive been watching WW2 online for about 7-8 mnths now.If implement right i reckon it would be cool.Alot of the people that made warbirds which what i would say would be one of the most succesful online war games around,especially for model and accuracy.

from what i gather you join up in a formation and go on missions which is only a small part of the big picture in a realtime arena,plus the map is europe 1200km by 1,000km something like that.

If you like tank sims ,rogue spear,flight sims etc well you got this sucker all rolled into one with real people as enemy.

Now in my opinion you cant get much better than THAT. smile.gif.SO anyone that says its gunna be crap has got a hole in there head and you dont know what you are talking about. biggrin.gif


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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