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what do I want/ need to download?

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All things are set, CM cd is on its way to me, but now I need to get set...

So, what do I want to download? I looked at the official page here and am downloading version 1.03 patch. I assume I dont need previous patches, is this right?

Also there are a few other things there (flight commander, tac ops, OTR, Actun Spitfire), are these utilities or add ons for CM? WHat do they do, do I want them?

What about good mods? I saw some winter stuff and a real nice terrain for grass, should I look into these?

What would YOU guys download if you were to be on the verge of your first moments of CM (well, and had a pathetic 33.6 modem)?

thanx all

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You need the 1.03 patch.

Everything else is extra. But there are some really nice extra's out there. I would recommand the MadMatt's Mods (sp?), both sounds and grafics.

Personally I liked the high res grass mod with associated tree modifiers etc. (NOT the dark grass, couldn't see the troops in that one) but that is a heavy 8.8 mb.

The winter mods are nice, but not really a must have, especially since I think you are better of starting playing in good weather, to keep things simple.


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"[1.03 - ] I assume I dont need previous patches, is this right?"

Correct (do view the readme file, though).

"Also there are a few other things there (flight commander, tac ops, OTR, Actun Spitfire), are these utilities or add ons for CM?"

Those are for other games, and have nothing to do with CM.

"What about good mods? [...] should I look into these?"

Assuming you're talking about the MadMatt/Mad-Dog mods, yes. I believe that some of them can inflict a performance hit on your system (like hi-res grass), due to their more-detailed nature, and some folks (like myself) prefer some of the original sounds to the modified ones. However, you can always restore the game to its original state by either (kind of technical) copying the original files from the CD (even just some of the files if you know which ones) or else (easy) uninstalling/deleting CM and reinstalling it. So, if you see something you think you might like, give it a look.

"What would YOU guys download if you were to be on the verge of your first moments of CM (well, and had a pathetic 33.6 modem)?"

I'd try the Mad-Dog sound and (to be safe) low-res grass graphics packs - in fact, that's what I'm using (though I plan to try out the other "grasses"): http://combathq.thegamers.net/mdmp/mdmp.asp

I'd guess roughly 3 hours for the Full Sound Pack and 45 minutes for the Graphic Pack with Low-Res Grass if I remember my previous, dial-up modem correctly. BTW, if you don't have a resume-capable download utility like GetRight or Gozilla, I recommend looking into one - they can prevent frustration with disconnects/time-outs during big downloads.

[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 07-31-2000).]

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OTR, Achtun Spitfire, Flight Commander, Tac Ops are separate games and have nothing to do with Combat Mission except for the publishers. Give the demos a try, however, and let us know what you think of them.

Check out the site at CMHQ mentioned above.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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