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BTS, Why Are We Missing Smoke in Quick Battles?

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Dear BTS,

In several quick battles fought over the last several days my friend Jim and I have been unable to fire smoke.

In three separate quick battles, one as the French and the two as the Americans, I repeatedly ordered smoke from my 60mm mortars...and got none. In one case, a Battle of the Bulge scenario, it looked as though something landed in the snow, but fizzled. The other engagements were fought on dry ground. Nor tonight was I able to get smoke from my 81mm mortar either.

Jim had a different kind of problem, in that his German tanks and assault guns wouldn't fire smoke.

In all cases, the forces involved clearly showed smoke available in the ammo loadout. So why won't they fire it? Lots of troops died because of this.

By the way, I did run a search on this issue and came up dry.

Hope you can shed some light on this.


John Kettler

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Just did a Quick Battle --- 500pts --- Free French --- several 60mm / a 105mm M4 / and a 81mm Spotter. In the rain. No problem with smoke from any of the above sources.

Not trying to be a smart-ass, but did you maybe hit Shift-I (smoke toggle) by mistake? Or maybe it's your vid card?

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Well, I can't say anything about quick battles (yet), but the only problems I have with smoke are that my mortars (as Axis on VoT) always override my smoke missions and start shooting at enemy units. This has been highly annoying during the last few turns in both of my games.


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I've noted my units not firing smoke when they see other targets, too. What seems weird about it is that the AI seems to do it really well (pop smoke then back away from fire), but whever I've tried it, my tanks usually switch to another target and end up getting toasted.

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Problem solved! It definitely was the Shift-I

issue that von Lucke suggested. I checked this out by setting up a Quick Battle and opened by successfully firing smoke from a TD cannon and a 60mm mortar. Also, when I went back to the aftermath of my earlier Quick Battle, hitting Shift-I provided tall billows of oily black smoke from my AFV victims.

Thanks for the help!

John Kettler

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